1月7号,是〝南周抗议事件〞爆发一周年, 5号,广州〝南方报业集团〞门前警察、便衣密布,一些前往〝散步〞的大陆 活动人士也被抓捕。
据名为〝公民小彪〞的网友在推特发出的消息,截至1月6号凌晨零点30分,已经被警方控制的相关人士已达10多人,其中广东公民梁颂基被刑事拘留, 张圣雨、马胜芬、肖青山、刘士辉被关押在广州市越秀区大东路派出所,还有王爱忠下落不明。
去年年初,广州《南方周末》新年献词《中国梦,宪政梦》,遭到广东宣传部长庹震的肆意篡改,从一篇呼吁政改的文章 ,变成了对中共歌功颂德的〝赞歌〞,激起大批《南周》员工的联署反抗,并引起大陆社会各界关注。1月7号,广州、北京都有众多民众上街声援《南方周末》,到《南周》杂志社门前聚集声援和献花的民众多达近千人。
2013年76位法轮功 学员被迫害致死
据海外 《明慧网》统计,2013年确认并由《明慧网》报导的被中共迫害致死的法轮功学员,达76人,其中包括在2012 年被迫害致死,当时未及时报导的12人,以及往年已被迫害致死后来才被确认传出消息的9人。
据报导,中共央企国企高级管理层的薪酬,包括津贴、福利和奖金,其中,副部级高管2011年的收入从287万5000元(人民币)到4085万8000元, 2012年则升到316万2000元至4680万5000元。司局级高管,2011年从220万6000元至1870 万5000元,2012年则提高到462万至3140万。就连处级管理层的薪酬2012年也达到了240万至1100 万。
Further arrests OneYear after the Southern Weekly Incident
January 7 marks the first anniversary of
the Southern Weekly Incident.
On December 5, police and plainclothes police patrolled
in front of Nanfang Media Group building, arresting activists
who “walked” at the scene.
A netizen, Citizen Biao, stated on Twitter that police arrested
more than 10 people up to midnight of January 6.
They were kept in criminal detention or held in the police
station. Activist Wang Aizhong is missing.
In January 2013, Southern Weekly’s New Year message,
“China Dream, Constitutional Dream” was tampered
with by Guangdong propaganda minister Tuo Zhen.
An article calling for political reform was turned into a
praising the CCP hymn.
Resistance arose and consequently, nearly 1,000 people
gathered in front of Nanfang Media Group building paying
tribute and supporting the newspaper staff on January 7.
The 2013 Persecution: 76 Falun Gong Practitioners Have Died
The Chinese Communist Pary (CCP) suppression of Falun
Gong has gone through more than 14 years.
Every year, large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners have
been persecuted to death.
According to data of Minghui.org, there have been 76 Falun
Gong practitioners who have been tortured to death in the
persecution campaign.
Their deaths have been identified and confirmed in 2013,
including 12 deaths from 2012 not formerly reported and
9 deaths from previous years only confirmed in 2013.
Among the 76 victims, eight of them were tortured to death
by police to extract confessions in detention centers.
10 were killed by violent transformation at the brainwashing
centers and labor camps.
29 were tortured to death by prison guards, and 29 were killed
by repeatedly kidnapping by the regime.
In those who were persecuted to death, one third of them
were young adults.
The report says that many more cases are hidden and not
included in the data because the CCP blockage of the news.
Remuneration Exposes of Vice-ministerial Central Enterprise
Senior Management
The amazingly high salaries in the Communist regime central
enterprises and state owned enterprises (SOE) were recently
exposed by overseas media.
Hong Kong based Trend Magazine exposed the senior
management 2011 and 2012 salaries at the central and SOE,
in its January issue tables. The skyrocketing number is startling.
It showed the senior management remuneration includes
subsidies, benefits and bonuses.
In 2011 The vice-ministerial level executives were paid
between $470,000 and $6.69 million.
In 2012 they rose to between $517,800 and $7.6 million.
Departmental executives were paid in 2011 between
$361,000 and $3.0 million which rose in 2012 to between
$756,600 and $5.1 million.
Even the managerial levels were paid between $393,000
and $1.8 million in 2012.
The report said that SOE executives receiving more than $4.9
million of allowances, benefits, and bonuses were as many as
1,375 in 2011, and 1,877 in 2012.
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:《动向》, 《南周》, 中共, 中国梦, 劳教所, 南周事件, 南方周末, 外媒, 宣传部长, 宪政, 宪政梦, 庹震, 张圣雨, 恶警, 政改, 新唐人, 法轮功, 海外媒体, 肖青山, 警察, 香港
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