江苏常熟异见人士顾义民,去年5月因申请有关〝六四〞的示威游行,被当局以〝煽动颠覆国家政权罪〞逮捕,现在被判刑18个月。两位辩护律师 的无罪辩护意见不仅不被采纳,在庭审结束后还遭到不明身份人员的暴力殴打,几十名警察无一人出面制止。〝六四事件〞到今天25年过去了,为什么至今还是中共所划的禁区呢?请看报导。
3月24号,江苏常熟市中级法院以〝煽动颠覆国家政权〞,判决顾义民有期徒刑18个月,剥夺 政治权利2年。
现年38岁的顾义民,在去年5月29号向警方递交游行申请,为纪念〝六四 24周年〞以及纪念已故湖南工运领袖李旺阳。6月2号,顾义民被刑事拘留,之后又被逮捕,罪名是涉嫌〝煽动颠覆国家政权罪〞。
顾义民案代理 律师刘卫国:〝根据中国 的宪法还是根据国际法,言论自由都是一个国家必须保障的公民权利,而且顾义民先生仅仅是发表了一个要求游行示威的这么一个帖子。〞
不过,〝六四〞参与 者郑存柱表示,〝六四〞问题 涉及到中共生死存亡问题,所以中共不惜一切对待〝六四〞问题。
美国洛杉矶民运 人士郑存柱:〝如果共产党对六四重定性的话,它从25年前到现在它统治的合法性,我们就不要说从1949年 他们采用武力夺取中华民国政权的合法性了,就是从1989年 之后25年的合法性基础就不存在了,动摇了。〞
今年的6月4号是〝六四事件 〞25周年,为唤起世人对〝六四〞的记忆,中国海内外早已掀起了各种纪念活动。
海外 发起了〝天下围城〞活动:有的从今年1月1号开始,进行全球性接力绝食;有的在《天下围城/六四25周年》〝脸书〞上,发表自己支持〝平反 六四〞的言论;有的在白宫网站上建立签名网,要求中共当局公开〝六四真相〞等。
在中国大陆 的人也没有忘记〝六四〞。
今年2月2号,来自大陆各地的30位民间人士,在河南省滑县公祭前中共领导人赵紫阳 、胡耀邦和〝六四〞死难者。拉开了大陆民间纪念〝六四〞的序幕。
郑存柱认为,随着互联网的普及,中共难以阻挡更多的人知道真相,〝六四〞终将获得它应有的历史 地位。
但郑存柱指出,中共还会竭力掩盖真相,即使按着法律 程序去纪念,当局也会以莫须有的方式打压,甚至不顾法律。
刘卫国:〝他们手上有法律、有武器,都不敢用,化装成流氓 来打律师,这也说明他们是处于一种极度恐惧的状态中。〞
采访/朱智善 编辑/宋风 后制/郭敬
Gu Yumin Imprisoned by Chinese Regime for Asking Permission to Demonstrate
Last May, Chinese dissident Gu Yimin was arrested by local
authorities for the crime of “inciting subversion of state power.”
His arrest following an application for a demonstration to
commemorate the June 4 Tiananmen Square massacre.
Mr Gu was recently sentenced to 18 months imprisonment,
after the courts rejected his defense lawyers not guilty plea.
His two lawyers were also attacked after
the trial by people of unknown identity.
Reportedly, dozens of police
at the scene did not intervene.
Why is June 4 still a taboo subject for
the Communist regime 25 years later?
Let’s see the report.
On March 24, Changshu City Municipal Intermediate People’s
Court, in Jiangsu Province, delivered the verdict on Gu Yimin.
Gu Yimin was sentenced for the crime
of inciting subversion of state power.
He was given18 months imprisonment,
and deprived of political rights for two years.
On May 29 2013, 38-year-old Gu Yimin
applied for permission to hold a march in
commemoration of the 25th anniversary
of the June 4 Tiananmen Square massacre.
The march would also honor the
late labor leader Li Wangyang.
Mr Gu was detained on June 2, 2013, and arrested
on charges of inciting subversion of state power.
Liu Weigu, defense attorney of Gu Yimin: “Citizens’
rights to freedom of expression are protected according
to China’s Constitution, and under international law.
Mr. Gu Yimin had only posted an
online request for a demonstration.”
Lawyer Liu Weiguo argues that if an application
is also considered a crime, then the law
should be abolished from the Constitution.
However, June 4 participant Zheng Cunzhu indicates that
CCP is fighting against any commemoration of these events,
because it is related to the life and death of the regime.
Zheng Cunzhu: “If the CCP would reposition
the June 4 massacre, its ruling legitimacy
for the last 25 years ago would be shaken.
That is not to mention its ruling legitimacy since
1949, when the CCP took power through use of arms.”
Zheng Cunzhu explains that the CCP’s suppression of June
4 issue is to safeguard its authoritarianism and privileges.
On March 24, Amnesty International issued a press release.
“The authorities continue to stop
at nothing to bury the truth of 1989.”
Amnesty are demanding that “Gu Yimin should
be released immediately and unconditionally.”
This year marks the 25th anniversary
of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
To remind people of these events, commemorative activities
have taken place both inside China, and around the world.
The international “World Siege”
campaign was launched on January 1.
Activities include a global hunger strike relay, social media
campaigns in recognitiion of the June 4th Massacre, and
a petition of signatures on the White House website,
demanding the CCP publicize the truth about June 4.
People in mainland China have not forgotten the crackdown.
As a prologue, on February 2, thirty prominent people
gathered in Henan to pay tribute to former CCP leaders
Zhao Ziyang, Hu Yaobang, and victims of the crackdown.
Zheng Cunzhu indicates that the student movement
will eventually get the well deserved historical status.
The CCP won’t be able to stop people from
learning the truth in the era of the Internet.
Zheng Cunzhu: “They do not dare to claim
that the military repression was legitimate.
That’s why they cover up the truth
from younger Chinese generations.”
Zheng Cunzhu believes that the CCP will continue covering
up the truth, and suppress it in spite of it’s own laws.
Suppressing dissents by underhanded means has always
been a CCP tactic, and is fully displayed in Gu Yimin’s case.
Friends of Gu Yimin were also attacked by unidentified
persons, while waiting outside of the court for the verdict.
When the defense attorneys tried to stop this
violence, they became the target of the attacks.
Attorney He Huixin’s glasses were
knocked off and he sustained head injuries.
Dozens of police present at the scene
did not intervene to stop the violence.
Liu Weiguo: “They would not use the law and their arms,
but disguise themselves as hooligans to defeat lawyers.
That shows they are in a state of extreme fear.”
Liu Weiguo does not believe underhanded
means will ever persuade the Chinese people.
He says that another lawyer immediately volunteered to
serve as a defense lawyer for Gu Yimin’s second trial.
He wanted to continue his fight for legal rights.
Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/GuoJing
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