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【新唐人2013年12月02日讯】世界爱滋病日 中国 患者赴京上访
今年12月1号是第26个世界爱滋病日,来自河南、河北、湖北和山东等省的数百位艾滋病患者,从11月25号起,就赶赴北京卫生部、民政部、国家信访局等部门上访,要求政府对包括儿童在内的、因血浆经济而感染爱滋病的受害者进行赔偿、并解决治疗问题 。但是这些部门大门紧闭,当局派出警察到现场将感染者驱离。 一百多名未能表达诉求的感染者,前往北京繁华闹市王府井大街游行时,被警察抓捕了十多人。据长期关注中国爱滋病疫情的前〝中国健康教育研究所〞所长陈秉中透露,这些感染者中,大部分来自爱滋病疫情的重灾区河南。中共卫生部门为〝节约成本〞,将免费提供给爱滋病感染者的药物,由原来副作用较小的进口特效药换为国产药品,感染者无法承受副作用,因而要求政府提供安全有效的药物,这是他们这次到北京的主要诉求。陈秉中11月30号发表文章 说,世界爱滋病日前夕,他前往河南爱滋病重病区看望爱滋病患者和儿童,遭到警方堵截,因此撰文披露河南当局奉高层 之命掩盖爱滋病流行的黑幕。
据长期关注中国爱滋病疫情的前〝中国健康教育研究所〞所长陈秉中透露,这些感染者中,大部分来自爱滋病疫情的重灾区河南。中共卫生部门为〝节约成本〞,将免费提 供给爱滋病感染者的药物,由原来副作用较小的进口特效药换为国产药品,感染者无法承受副作用,因而要求政府提供安全有效的药物,这是他们这次到北京的主要诉求。
上海12人天安门 同时抛撒传单
这些访民因私房被侵占等多年的历史 冤案问题,长期上访无果。目前,王晓平和罗显慧被当局拘留。
据上海访民李永福介绍,当时有12人集体 将上千份传单撒向空中,场面壮观,是在天安门广场同时抛出传单人数最多的一次。而他自己的传单被没收,没有撒出去。
湖北律师拒违法安检遭拘 各界声援
日前,湖北律师 张军因拒绝法院的违法安检,遭到行政拘留,引起各界关注,大陆 人权律师团也随即发表声明,要求立即释放张军并追究相关的责任人, 140多名大陆律师联署声援。
World AIDS Day, Chinese Patients Petition Beijing
Since Nov. 25, prior to the 26th World AIDS Day on Dec. 1,
hundreds of AIDS patients from Henan, Hebei, Hubei and
Shandong Provinces have started their protests to Beijing
governmental agencies.
These include the Ministry of Health, Department of Civil
Affairs, the national petition office (State Bureau for Letters
and Calls) and so on.
They demanded proper medicine and compensation
for the patients.
They were shut outside the agencies and
expelled by the police.
More than a hundred of the AIDS patients who did not
make it to the petition held a march on Wangfujing Street
in the bustling Beijing downtown. The police arrested over
a dozen of them.
Former director of Chinese health education center, Chen
Bingzhong, revealed that majority of these patients came
from Henan, where AIDS hit most seriously.
To save money, the Communist regime health sector replaced
free and imported medicines with ones produced by China.
The patients had serious responses to the side effects. Their
trip to Beijing is to demand safe and effective medication.
In his Nov. 30 article, Chen Bingzhong stated that on the eve
of World AIDS Day, during his visit to the AIDS patients and
children, the police intercepted his visit.
His article was to reveal that the AIDS epidemic in Henan
was intentionally covered up by local government under
orders from the central regime.
12 Petitioners from Shanghai Spread Complaint
Letters in Tiananmen Square
20 Shanghai petitioners, including Wang Xiaoping, Yu
Rongming and Dai Guangyang, collectively spread leaflets
on 29 Nov. on Golden Water Bridge of Beijing’s Tiananmen
They were accusing the Shanghai governmental agencies
of corruption and ignorance such as public, prosecutors, and
law departments.
These petitioners have been trying to resolve their grievances
over property for years, but to no avail.
Two petitioners are currently detained by the authorities.
They are Wang Xiaoping and Luo Xianhui.
Shanghai petitioner Li Yongfu explained that there were 12
people collectively spreading thousands of leaflets into the air.
It was spectacular and had the most people participating
in the event in Tiananmen Square.
Li could not do it because his leaflets were confiscated.
It is understood that some participants were the same ones
who had also spread thousands of leaflets in Tiananmen Square
during the Third Plenary Session this year.
Hubei Court Detains Lawyer Who Refused to
Accept Illegal Security Check
Recently, Hubei lawyer Zhang Jun received administrative
detention for refusing an illegal security check by the court.
It has drawn wide concerns.
The Chinese human rights lawyers team also issued a
statement calling for the immediate release of Zhang and
pursuing justice from the relevant responsible person.
More than 140 lawyers have signed the petition.
Chinese Human Rights Defenders online report indicated that
on Nov 27, while doing a filing in a Wuhan court,
Zhang Jun had a dispute with the court bailiff
for refusing an illegal security check.
After he filed the complaint to the police,
he was put on detention for 15 days.
The illegal act of the Hubei court was condemned.
With the support and negotiation of the public,
Zhang Jun has been released in advance.
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