
【禁闻】SGCC澳洲并购 大老虎不妙转移国产?

最近澳大利亚国库部,宣布了批准〝中国 国家电网公司(SGCC)〞,收购澳大利亚两家能源公司的部分股份。《》的报导没像以往一样,大肆渲染收购海外 资产能证明中共的强大,而是用了〝有条件批准〞的字眼。专家认为,SGCC已不是一个单纯的经济实体,同时也是中共迫害人权的工具。外界认为,最近随着中共里的、李东生等老虎落马,以为后台的〝国家电网公司〞可能也感到不妙,而匆忙以购买国外公司的形式转移国有资产。




美国南卡罗莱纳大学艾肯商学院教授 谢田:〝这也是他最方便的,可以堂而皇之的转移资产的办法,中国老百姓只能看着中国的财富被一点点的掏尽,一点点的流向海外,这样实际上对自由社会,自由贸易,自由企业制度都是一个极大冲击。〞


中共〝国家电网公司〞成立于2000年,董事长、组书记刘振亚,兼任过山东〝鲁能集团〞董事局主席。据大陆 2007年1月报导,山东超大型国有企业〝鲁能集团〞,曾经借转制之名,悄悄将超过700亿的国有资产,送给曾庆红、俞正声、王乐泉等中央高层 家属。事件败露后,刘振亚在曾庆红的庇护下,逃过一劫。

前中共曾庆红1989年 随前领导人江泽民进京,素有江泽民的大管家之称。在中共迫害的元凶——〝610〞 头目李东生被调查,外界盛传中共前周永康落马的同时,《百度》惊现〝立即逮捕法办罗干、曾庆红、江泽民〞,以及〝江泽民、罗干、周永康、李东生〞等,因〝〞、〝群体灭绝罪〞而遭到起诉等字样。

北京时政 观察人士华颇:〝国内矛盾已经达到了激化临界点,有意解除民怨,那就得分蛋糕,就得打土豪分田地,所以就不得不触碰中国既得利益集团和这些权贵的利益,不得不触动曾庆红等代表的这些利益集团的利益。〞

刘振亚,他是国有大企业中迫害法轮功 的急先锋。刘振亚不但自己亲自污衊法轮功 ,还在中电网27家网省公司中,直接参与 了迫害法轮功修炼者雇员。被证实的受迫害雇员人数达139名,其中16人被迫害致死,致疯和失踪。


旅澳中国社会问题 专家:〝中国的国企一半是经商,一半是政体,也就是它是带有性很强的这么一个经济实体,真正当家作主的是党委书记,一切以党的意志为他经营的指导方针。〞


采访编辑/刘惠 后制/黎安安

China State Grid Acquisition of Australian Energy Company Stakes: Relocation of National Assets?

The Australian Treasury Department recently announced

the approval of the China State Grid Corporation’s (SGCC)

acquisition of stakes in Australian power companies.

Xinhua News Agency reported the news, but was

without the expected exaggeration in propaganda

about the power of China acquiring foreign assets.

The report stated that the approval was “conditional.”

Experts suggest that SGCC is not purely an economic entity.

It is also an instrument with which the Chinese

Communist Party conducts human rights abuses.

With the recent downfalls of Zhou Yongkang and

Li Dongsheng, there must be unease within SGCC about

it’s notorious behind the scene boss, Zeng Qinghong.

The purchasing of foreign companies is

believed to be transfering state-owned assets.

On December 20, Xinhua News Agency reported

that the Australian government has conditionally

approved the China State Grid Corporations

(SGCC) acquisition of Australian energy companies.

This is according to an Australia

Treasury department statement.

The acquisition was approved on the following condition:

At least half of the members appointed by the State Grid

to the boards of SP AusNet and Jemena must be Australian

citizens who are ordinarily residents of the country.

According to a statement from Treasurer

Joe Hockey, “Australia is open for business.

…we welcome foreign investment when

it is not contrary to the national interest.”

Xinhua also stated that the SGCC

did not disclose the requisition costs.

Australian local media reported the cost at $ 6 Billion.

Prof. Xie Tian, Business School, University

of South Carolina Aiken: “This is its most

convenient way to transfer assets publicly.

People can only watch as China’s

wealth continues to outflow.

It has a large impact on a free society,

free trade, and the enterprise system.”

On December 26, Xinhua reported

negative news about SGCC.

According to authoritative sources from the State Grid,

it was confirmed that there are a number of plans

for UHV transmission lines that have been shelved.

This is due to disagreement in national

planning, assessment, and approval.

SGCC was founded in 2000, with Party

Secretary Liu Zhenya as the Chairman.

Liu Zhenya was former Chairman of

Shandong Luneng Group Board of Directors.

In a January 2007 report by Caijing magazine, Luneng

Group is a large state-owned enterprise in Shandong.

In the name of restructuring, over 70 billion yuan of state

assets were transferred quietly to the family of high officials.

These officials included Zeng Qinghong,

Yu Zhengsheng, and Wang Lequan.

After the incident was brought to light, Liu Zhenya

escaped punishment under Zeng Qinghong’s shelter.

Zeng Qinghong followed former regime

leader Jiang Zemin to Beijing in 1989.

As a former Vice-President, Zeng

became known as Jiang Zemin’s servant.

Recently, high-level 610 Office official Li Dongsheng,

one of the main protagonists in the persecution

of Falun Gong, was placed under invesigation.

Former Secretary of the Politics and Law Committee,

Zhou Yongkang, is also rumoured to be under investigation.

Chinese search engine Baidu reportedly

lifted the ban on search terms including,

“arrest Luo Gan, Zeng Qinghong, Jiang Zemin.”

It also included, “Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Zhou Yongkang,

Li Dongsheng, crimes against humanity, genocide.”

Hua Po, Beijing political commentator: “The

conflicts have intensified to a critical point.

In order to reduce grievances, they have to share the pie.

This will impact those with power, and vested interests,

such as those represented by Zeng Qinghong.”

Liu Zhenya is known as a vanguard in the persecution

of Falun Gong, from the CCP’s state-owned enterprises.

Liu Zhenya has personally slandered Falun Gong.

He is also reported to have been directly involved in the

persecution of employees who practiced Falun Gong.

in 27 provincial subsidiary companies of the State Grid.

He has been confirmed to have persecuted 139

employees, and led to 16 of them losing their lives,

suffering psychological trauma, or have disappeared.

Liu Zhenya conducted several forms of persecution;

restriction of personal freedoms through illegal

kidnapping, detention, monitoring and stalking;

economic persecution through dismissal,

withholding of wages, and illegal fines;

and psychological torture, through

sending them to brainwashing centers.

Chinese commentator: “China’s state-owned

enterprises are half business and half politics.

SGCC is an economic entity with strong political attachments.

The leader is the general secretary of the CCP,

and the party’s will is its guiding principle.”

As an addendum, monopolization of energy has also

allowed SGCC to increase its utility bills higher and higher.

According to complaints from residents in Dandong,

Liaoning Province and Yichang, Hubei Province,

the company has doubled utility bills.

This rise was undertaken in the name of upgrading meters.

Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人

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