自中共军中〝大老虎〞徐才厚落马后,外界对接下来将要被打的〝老虎〞正翘首以待,不料中共忽然转换风向,宣布开始打〝狐狸〞,追捕逃往海外 的贪官。同时各大官媒开足马力进行高调报导。究竟这次〝猎狐〞成果如何?请看下面报导。
据公安部网站 12月4号报导,截至目前,〝猎狐〞行动已经从60个国家和地区,抓获外逃经济犯罪人员428名,其中231名为主动投案自首,占全部缉捕人数的54%。
对此,中共各大官媒和门户网站进行了高调、大篇幅的报导,称赞〝猎狐〞行动〝硕果累累〞。但与此相反的是,民间的反应却非常冷淡,很多网站参与 评论的网民不足百人。
时政 评论家《中国事务》主编伍凡 :〝究竟为什么要发动这么一个‘猎狐’运动,来给‘反腐’锦上添花?还是给它‘化妆’?总的来讲,这个‘反腐’往下走,没有新的内容。尽管有的人,今天放一个消息,明天又放一个独家消息,把那些小故事扩大,看的人都懒得看了。〞
目前中国 到底有多少贪官外逃?官方还没有确切的数据披露。但外界广泛流传,中国社会科学 院2011年的调研报告显示,从上世纪九十年代以来,中国大陆包括裸官在内的各种贪官外逃人数多达1万8千人,携带资金8000多亿人民币。
此外,有报导指出,在已经抓获的外逃贪官中,中共当局真正想要抓捕的几名〝头号通缉目标〞却不在其中。例如至今潜逃12年未归的原中共国家电力公司党组书记、原云南省委书记高严,以及敛财数十亿美元的周永康 的妻妹贾晓霞等。对此,有港媒指出,无论是打〝老虎〞还是打〝狐狸〞,当局都是有选择 性的。
中国问题 独立评论员李善鉴:〝很可能那些人本身在国内他联系的、他的上级下级啊,他的一些朋友,他的关系网啊,就是抓人的这批人它(中共当局)没有办法让这些腐败的官员自己来抓自己,可是它又要做这个样子,还要不断的抓一些大大小小——其实多半是一些小官来造声势,来笼络民心。现在所谓的海外的‘猎狐’行动的话,其实也就表现在这。〞
记者/陈汉 编辑/张天宇 后制/肖颜
Spending Millions on "Fox Hunt", Only Few Corrupted Officials Arrested
Since the downfall of China's "big military tiger" Xu Caihou, the outside world awaits the next "tiger" to be hunted down. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) suddenly converted its direction into hunting the "fox", which is tracking down those corrupted officials who escaped abroad. At the same time, all major official media are giving high-profile reports at full capacity. So what are the outcomes of this "fox hunt"? Here is the report.
On Jul. 22, the CCP Ministry of Public Security announced the launch of "Operation Fox Hunt 2014", aimed at tracking down the runaway economic fugitives. Afterwards, the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and two other departments have jointly issued a circular that people who turn themselves in before 1 Dec., will have a mitigated punishment. However, up until the end of the ultimatum, very few corrupted officials have turned themselves in.
The website of Ministry of Public Security reported on Dec. 4that, up to now, the "fox hunt" operation has 428 runaway economic fugitives from sixty countries and regions, of which 231 fugitives had given themselves up.This accounts for 54% of the total number being arrested.
In this regard, the CCP official media and major portals gave high-profile reports, praising the "fox hunt" as "fruitful". But on the contrary the civil response is indifferent, many websites had less than one hundred people commenting.
Current affairs commentator, chief editor of "China Affairs", Wu Fan: "Why did they launch this 'fox hunt' operation? To make the 'anti-corruption' even better? Or give it a 'make-over'? General speaking, this 'anti-corruption' is going down, there is no new content. Although news and exclusive news were released everyday to expand those little stories, but people are tired of reading them."
So what are the outcomes of this "fox hunt" operation launched by the Ministry of Public Security? From the official announcements, more than 400 people have been arrested, that number may look great, but in fact it is a pitiful amount compared to the total number of runaway mainland officials.
What is the total number of China's runaway corrupted officials? There are no exact official data. However, it is widespread that the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' (CASS) research report in 2011 has shown, since the nineties, all kinds of corrupted officials who fled abroad totaled at least 18,000.They took more than 800 billion yuan ($US 130 billion) out of the country.
However, some analysis points out that the number of runaway corrupted officials has been rising in recent years, as well as their official level and means, the actual number should be much higher than the CASS research data.
Even using the figure of 18,000, the Ministry of Public Security took four months, spend a lot of money, material and manpower, to only arrest more than 400 people, this only accounts for 2%.Of which more than half were being aired as police using kinship to persuade them to turn themselves in. The "Fox hunt" operation's outcomes are self-evident.
In addition, there are reports that, several CCP's "most wanted targets" were not among the arrested runaway corrupted officials. For example, Ji Gaoyan, former Party secretary of the CCP National Power Corporation, and former secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, and Jia Xiaoxia, Zhou Yongkang'swife's younger sister who corrupted billions of dollars. In this regard, Hong Kong media pointed out, the "tiger hunt" and "fox hunt" are all selective.
China affairs commentator, Li Shanjian: "Those people have a network of relationships in China, superiors and subordinates, some friends, people they have contacted…may have participated in the operation. So it (CCP) cannot make those corrupted officials catch themselves, but it needs to look like it is doing it.It has to constantly arrest some big and small officials, the arrests of small officials is used to create momentum, and win over the people. The current so-called 'fox hunt' operation just reflects this."
Some netizens realized, all CCP media only highlighted the number of "foxes" arrested in their reports, and did not mention any thing about the recovery of funds.
In an interview with Radio Free Asia, a web author disclosed that the CCP would willing give the country harbouring the official at most 80% of illicit money as long as it can arrest the corrupt official and build its reputation. The reports also stated, the CCP would spend a minimum of200,000 yuan ($US 33,000) to arrest one overseas fugitive. By this calculation, this "fox hunt" operation has directly arrested 197 people, cost about39.4 million yuan ($US 6.4 million).
Report/ChenHan Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-production/XiaoYan
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