10月29号三退的人数达到109,307人,30号的三退 人数还在不断增加。来看两则29号的三退声明。
周江声明退团 退队 ,他说:
本人在此宣布退出曾经宣誓 加入的少先队和共青团组织(从未写过入党申请书),年幼时期发的誓言属被洗脑后的行为,现声明该誓言无效。年长之后参加工作,见识到了真正的世界是怎样的,我们的社会已是满目苍夷,道德败坏,千疮百孔,遂清醒过来,自己被洗脑了二十余载,现来此声明退出曾加入的邪恶组织。
共产党恶心有目共睹,小时无知,以加入共青团为荣。初中因成绩优异成功加入共青团,后在高中渐渐了解黑幕,从8964到迫害法轮功,种种事情让我非常震惊。经过深思熟虑以后我声明退出共青团 。
The number of people who quit the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) and its affiliated organizations on Oct. 30 was 109,307.
Here are two statements for quitting
the CCP on Oct. 29.
“I hereby announcement withdrawal from the CCP Young
Pioneers and the Communist Youth League.
(I never wrote an application to join the CCP).
The vow I made when I was young was due to the
brainwashing. I declare it is invalid.
After I grew up and started to work, I found out the real
situation of the world.
Our society is full of scars, and lack of morality.
I slowly realized that I was brainwashed.
I hear by declare I withdraw from the evil organizations.”
Quitting the CCP Youth League Statement from
Wang Xiaohuan, Zhejiang Province.
“The evil of the CCP is obvious.
When I was young, I was ignorant. I was proud to join the
Communist Youth League as a good student.
I gradually realized the darkness of the CCP in high-school.
I was shocked by the events of June 4, 1989
and the persecution of Falun Gong.
After careful consideration I declare to quit the
Communist Youth League.”
本文标签:三退, 党, 共产党, 新唐人, 法轮功, 迫害法轮功, 退党
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