缅甸近来又爆战事,缅甸政府军强力攻打华人居民占90%的〝果敢自治区〞,造成10万果敢难民涌入中国 境内。中共当局虽然对难民进行了安置,却拒绝阻止缅甸政府的军事行动。对此,原〝果敢自治区〞主席彭家声发出公开信 ,谴责中共〝抛弃〞本属于中国领土的果敢,致使果敢华人惨遭欺凌。果敢历史 问题 再度受到外界关注。
自古以来,果敢就是中国的土地。虽然在1897年清政府与英国签定不平等条约,一度将果敢划入英属缅甸范围,但1948年 二战结束后,英国人撤出,缅甸独立,民国政府坚持对果敢拥有主权,果敢再度被纳入中国版图。
直到中共建政后,中共总理周恩来在1960年 与缅甸签订了《中缅边界条约》,宣布中国放弃对果敢的主权要求,将果敢彻底割让给缅甸,果敢人从汉族变成了缅甸的一个少数民族──果敢族。
旅居德国学 者极权主义 研究专家仲维光:〝中国共产党这个集团一切是以一党的私利为最高准则的。它从来不会把国家利益、民族利益放在最高位。而在60年代的时候,中共处于世界上孤立的地位,在北边和苏联也闹翻了,在整个世界上和西方国家和第三世界的人都没有好的关系,由于它们输出革命,因此在当时,它们就只有用出卖领土以及其他的一些小恩小惠来拉拢一些国家。〞
为了坚持独立自治,由华人首领彭家声组建的〝果敢同盟军〞与缅甸政府军交战几十年,直到1989年 彭家声与政府军达成协议,成立〝果敢特别行政区〞,特区可以保留军队并高度自治,拥有独立的内政、军事、财政等权力。但缅甸政府只给予果敢族身份证,不给国籍。
果敢特区内的一切都如同中国大陆,当地语言是云南汉话,货币为人民币,学校学习中国教科书和中文 ,邮政、金融、通信、电力基本来自中国境内,就连电话都是云南区号,手机为中国移动。多年来,果敢人一直强烈要求脱离缅甸,回归中国,但中共当局一直对此保持沉默。
仲维光 :〝中共之所以对缅甸不采取一些做法,是因为它们在国际上政治的需要。我推荐大家去看《九评》,《九评 》上揭示了很多这样的例子,中共这样做法到极端的时候,甚至不顾它的党羽,它的党内某些人的生命安危,又更何况说对于一般老百姓,民众,对于那些海外 华侨他们的命运。〞
采访编辑/张天宇 后制/葛雷
China Betrays Kokang, Ignoring Kokang Chinese Seeking Its Help.
The Burmese army recently attacked Kokang, a self-administered zone in Burma with a 90% Chinese population. 100,000 Kokang refugees have escaped to China. Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) settled the refugees, it refused to stop the Burma government from making further military attacks. Former Kokang chairman Pheung Kya-shin published an open letter, condemning the CCP for "abandoning" Kokang, which used to belong to China, leaving Kokang Chinese at risk. Kokang's historical issue has raised public concerns.
Kokang is located in the northeastern of Burma, bordering with China's Yunnan Province. It has 150,000 population with over 90% Chinese Han. Many of their ancestors moved there in the Ming Dynasty, retaining the Han ethnic lifestyle.
Historically Kokang used to be China's territory. It was included in the British Burma area in 1897 in the Qing Dynasty, but after the 2nd World War in 1948, the British left Burma and it became independent. The Republic of China at the time insisted on sovereignty over Kokang, and included the area into Chinese territory.
After the CCP took power, the CCP prime minister Zhou Enlai signed a Sino-Burmese Border Treaty in 1960, giving up sovereignty over Kokang. Since then, the Kokang Han people became a minority group in Burma. They are known as the Kokang ethnic group.
Zhong Weiguang, expert on totalitarianism living in Germany, "The CCP always puts its interest at the highest position, and never makes the national interest a priority. China was isolated in the world in the 1960s'. Even the Soviet Union fell out with China. China had no good relationship with either the western countries or the third world countries. Due to exporting revolution, it sold territory to rope in other countries."
Insisting on independent autonomy, Kokang Chinese leader Pheung Kya-shin established a Kokang army, fighting the Burmese army for over 10 years. In 1989, Pheung and the government reached an agreement. This established the Kokang Special Region, which retains the army and high autonomy, with independent power of internal affairs, military, and finance. But the Burma government doesn't allow Kokang to have its nationality.
Everything in Kokang is similar to Mainland China. The local language is Yunnan Chinese. The currency is Chinese yuan. The textbooks are in Chinese. Postal services, financial services, telecommunications, and electricity are all basically from mainland China. Even the telephone number in Kokang uses the Yunnan district code. The phone service is China Mobile. The Kokang people have appealed to leave Burma and return to China for many years, but the CCP has been quiet.
After the Kokang special region was established, the Kokang army and the Burma government army had several conflicts due to attacks of the Burma army. Chairman Pheung was forced to flee. Even if Kokang is titled "self-administered," it's completely controlled by Burma.
On Feb. 9, Pheung led the Kokang army and several local ethnic armies to get back Kokang. He started another fight with the Burma government army. As the war intensified, 100,000 refugees fled to Yunnan. But the CCP Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying indicated China only arranges settlement for the refugees. The public appealed to the CCP to stop the Burma government from attacking, but China has remained silent.
Hong Kong media Apple Daily says the CCP doesn't want to speak up for Kokang Chinese. It's afraid to be called "supporter of Burma separatist forces." In return, it may become an excuse for other countries to support the independence of Tibet, Uyghur, and Taiwan.
Zhong Weiguang, "The reason the CCP doesn't do anything against Burma is for its political needs in the world. I recommend everyone to watch the 9 Commentaries on the Communist Party that reveals many similar examples. The CCP doesn't even care for its own members' lives, let alone the peoples' lives, and overseas Chinese."
On Feb. 10, Pheung published an open letter seeking help, appealing Chinese people and Chinese in the world to pay attention to the Kokang Chinese situation. The letter condemns the CCP for giving up Kokang. It has attracted public opinion criticizing the CCP for doing nothing.
The situation is similar to the Kokang war in 2009. The People's Daily said to hide the history of the CCP selling Kokang due to the war, the central propaganda department required all Chinese media to use the Xinhua report, and banned independent report. Overseas media revealed that after the war ended, the CCP immediately cooperated with the Burma government to force the Kokang refugees to go back to Burma, deeply disappointing Kokang Chinese.
Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-production/GeLei
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