
【禁闻】军队腐败严重 习近平下令审计将官

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24号公布了这份《审计意见》。《意见》中要求,对拟定列入后备的或列入后备拟定提升的团职以上军官,特别要优先安排审计。对即将达到平时任职最高年龄,或最高年限的,以及拟定调整交流 或转业复员的军官,则在离任前应安排审计。



时事评论员李善监:〝军队的干部腐败已经是相当严重了,而且严重到威胁到它(中共)的政权稳定,威胁到军队稳定的问题 。所以才在这么一个大环境下出台这么一个制度。〞

时事评论员李善监表示,军队中以前的财会制度、审计制度一直都存在,可是腐败却越来越严重。他认为,中共一独裁滋生腐败,在中国 整个社会无官不贪的大环境下,出台这样一个规定不会起到什么作用。


中共《国防大学》政委,上将也在《人民日报 》发表文章 批评军队,指称个别领导和官员玩物丧志、蝇营狗苟、贪污腐败,影响极坏。

伍凡 指出,军队是习近平第一要控制的单位,控制不了军队就稳定不了政权。但是为了保护,用来维护他自身权威的手段。

美国中文 杂志《中国事务》总编辑 伍凡:〝他(习近平)并不是通过反腐来改变这个政权,使这个政权更好或者是真正替老百姓做事,不是他的目的。他要反腐,听我的人反腐跟我走,不听我的,我用反腐来打你。〞


原海军副司令王守业贪污1.6亿元人民币、包养5名情妇 ;而原解放军副部长谷俊山中将则更上一层楼。



李善监表示,中共官员极度腐败,除了没有任何制衡的监督机制外,也与日益背离传统文化 、道德低下有关。



采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/葛雷

Military Seriously Corrupt. Xi Jinping Orders Audit

Of Officials

Recently, the Central Military Commission issued “Opinions

on the strengthening and improvement of military leadership

financial responsibility audit”

It requests military cadres to accept audit and supervision.

Since Xi Jinping became Chairman of the military, he has

issued “Ten Rules” and “Prohibition of Drinking Alcohol”.

Xi also requested changing new military vehicle license

plates and military officials above regiment-level must join

the training from soldier level.

Can Xi change the military corrupt phenomenon?

On September 24, the Chinese regime announced OPINIONS.

It requests regiment-level officials to be audited first.

Officials reaching maximum age or maximum term along with

transferring or demobilized officials are audited before leaving.

OPINIONS has particularly pointed out cadres who are

in charge of financial jobs.

The main audit content includes officials’ duties of making

financial decisions; funding approval, material allocation,

disposal of assets, signing contracts as well as personal

property and vehicle usage.

Li Shanjian, current affairs commentator:”Military corruption

is very serious.

It threatens the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) survival and

military stability.

So the OPINIONS has been launched under these circumstances.”

Li said that accounting policy and auditing systems already

existed in the military. However, the corruption has worsened.

The CCP’s one-party dictatorship creates corruption.

Officials’ corruption exists as a whole in Chinese society.

Under this environment, launching OPINIONS

will not play a role.

In May 2013, military official Luo Yuan warned that corruption

is the number one killer of the military’s fighting ability.

If corruption is not cleared out, military will be defeated

before a fight starts.

Liu Yazhou, political commissar of National Defense

published an article on People’s Daily criticizing the army.

Liu claimed that some leaders and officials have forgotten their

duties by pursuing material and personal gain.

The serious corruption has caused a very bad influence.

Wu Fan, current affairs commentator said that the

military is the first unit that Xi wants to control.

If he can not control the military, his power will not be stable.

However, Xi fights corruption to protect the CCP and

to maintain his own authority.

Wu Fan: “Xi actually doesn’t want to change this regime via

fighting corruption.

Nor changing the regime to be better or better serving to

civilians. This is not his purpose.

During fight corruption campaign, its ok if one listens to him

otherwise, one will be removed by using anti-corruption means.”

Many high-ranking military officials’ scandals were exposed,

it shocked the public.

Wang Shouye, former deputy Navy commander embezzled

160 million Yuan ($26 million), and kept five mistresses.

Gu Junshan, former Deputy Minister of People’s Liberation

Army General logistic Department were even worse.

In Jan. 2013, Jiang Changyong, deputy editor of dzwww.com

said in Weibo microblog: Gu Junshan was arrested before

New Year’s day. Gu bribed 20 billion Yuan, possessed more

than 300 properties.

He lives in a building with area of 7000 square kilometers.

60 people maintain the building for him.

He kept five mistresses, one is a singer, two are young movie

stars, one is a TV presenter and one is white-collar senior clerk.

Sources said that Gu travels on his private plane and many

thousands of bottles of Moutai wine were found at his home.

Li Shanjian said that the CCP officials are extremely corrupt.

Except for the lack of a monitoring system, the degeneration

of traditional culture and morality are also the causes.

Li Jianshan:”When people don’t have any belief, they dare

to do anything, no matter in the army or not, they are the same.”

At end of Jan. 2013, Transparency International’s annual

corruption index shows China is a highly corrupt country.

Officials in this organization said that China has no special

department to monitor military corruption,.

The military only relies on its own control. The opaque

system can easily lead one to become corrupt.

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