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汪北稷:〝只能说明两个问题 ,第一,这一个涉密工程涉及的工程款远远不止五百万,甚至是上几个亿很大的一个工程。第二,这个涉密工程不是普通中共的管理体系里面所说的公安、国安、军事的涉密工程,一直以来有指控说,中共拿了国库的很多钱,在各个省市修建这个类似集中营的,什么转化所、劳教所迫害法轮功 的学员。〞
汪北稷表示,海外 国际舆论早就直指江泽民迫害法轮功学员的事实,薄熙来这个所谓的贪污机密工程五百万,有可能给江泽民集团带来非常大的压力。
据海外媒体报导,薄熙来在任职辽宁省省长期间,投资10亿元在全省进行监狱改造,仅沈阳马三家一地就耗资5亿多元,在2003年建成中国 第一座监狱城,大量法轮功学员被关押在此,遭受酷刑虐待。
采访/易如 编辑/黄亿美 后制/陈建铭
SCMP: Bo Xilai’s Embezzlement Linked To Jiang Zemin Holiday Home
Bo Xilai, former Chongqing secretary, was accused
of embezzlement of five million Yuan ($817,000)
in a construction project when he served
as Liaoning governor in 2002.
This was the sole allegation of embezzlement
detailed at his trial.
Hong Kong’s media cited sources who said that in order
to butter up Jiang Zemin, the Chairman at the time,
Bo took these funds to build a holiday home for Jiang.
Analysts believe that the report likely implied
there are inside stories.
According to Bo’s trial transcript, the five million Yuan
belongs to a higher authority, and was allocated
for a “secret public project in Dalian.”
Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post (SCMP) disclosed
that the money went to pay for a villa for then Chairman Jiang.
The report said that Jiang visited Dalian in 1999 to mark
the 100th anniversary of the modern commercial port.
Jiang expressed his love of the port city.
“Bo wanted to butter him up to get promoted by taking
the opportunity to build the villa,” SCMP cited sources.
Wang Beiji, current affairs commentator:
“Jiang was extremely luxurious.
Jiang wanted a villa, thus the General Office of the party’s
Central Committee would directly operate it.
How can a provincial level have the right
to decide to build a villa for Jiang?”
Wang said that for a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official
to embezzle five million or even 50 million Yuan
from a general public project is very easy.
However, it is difficult to embezzle from a secret project
because internal approval is needed on many levels.
From Bo’s trial we can see that Bo easily took five million
Yuan from a secret project.
Wang Beiji: “It indicated that the secret project was linked
to far more than five million Yuan.
It’s likely associated with a big project for several hundreds
of millions of Yuan.
This is not like general secret projects for Public Security,
National Security or Defense.
Allegedly, the CCP has taken a lot of the treasury’s money.
They used it to build forced labor camps and re-education
centers to illegally hold Falun Gong practitioners
and other innocent people.”
Wang Beiji said that overseas public opinion has directly
revealed the truth of Jiang’s persecution of Falun Gong.
Bo’s five million Yuan embezzlement will
put Jiang’s faction under tremendous pressure.
Wang Beiji: “Jiang’s faction deliberately sent rumors
via its propaganda media.
Their purpose is to divert public attention.
“The money wasn’t involved in persecution of Falun Gong,
it was used to build a villa for Jiang.”
Obviously, the intention behind the news is
to disassociate the embezzlement case
from the project to persecute Falun Gong.”
Overseas media reported that Bo invested one billion Yuan
in refurbishing a prison during his tenure as Liaoning governor.
Masanjia labor camp in Shenyang cost 500 million Yuan,
which became a prison city in 2003.
Many Falun Gong practitioners were held inside
and suffered severe torture.
Zhang Jian, US-based China affairs expert:
“SCMP has exposed the news.
It likely the CCP infighting has reached the limit.
No one wants to give in.
To throw Jiang out, I think it shows Zhou Yongkang’s
faction is determined to struggle to the last minute.
They exposed the biggest boss and see what will happen next.
They will try their best to survive.”
A two-month exhibition in Beijing for exposure
of Nazi crimes has ended.
Foreign media reported that this is the first time
such an exhibition was held in Beijing.
Zhang Jian: “By holding the exhibition against inhumanity,
I think its likely Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang want
to send signals to Jiang Zemin.
If Jiang doesn’t behave well, they could expose
the big issue (live organ harvesting).
I will see whether Xi and Li dare to completely
expose the inhumanity case.”
Sources said that from 2002 to 2007, Jiang Zemin has been
prosecuted in 30 cities of the world.
Jiang has been sued for many crimes,
including torture, inhumanity and genocide.
Jiang faces more than 50 criminal charges
and civil prosecution.
It has been called the biggest lawsuit of the 21st century
and in human history.
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本文标签:中共, 中共中央, 中共中央办公厅, 党, 劳教所, 南华早报, 反人类罪, 周永康, 外媒, 政府, 新唐人, 江泽民, 法轮功, 活摘器官, 海外媒体, 港媒, 薄案, 薄熙来, 薄熙来案, 香港
via 中国禁闻 - 禁书网 http://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/cbnews/20130910/174445.html