


山东省济南的德成说:我是知道邪恶,也知道〝〞是好的,给我资料看的人也劝过我退,我没答应,也不知怎么个退法,今天见到二十多年前的老同事,还是那样像二十多岁的小青年又劝我退,我二话设说,郑重声明退出中国 邪恶组织。

上海一位化名〝有缘〞的民众说:我这一代生不逢时,命运多舛,成长时碰到大跃进 政策所带来的三年大饥荒 ,求学时碰到文革,强制知青下乡务农中断学习,成家立业时也碰到社会大环境带来的方方面面的困难,说起来都是这个党造成的,在此我与它划清界线,不与它同流合污,我的未来 也不再被它控制。

人在做,天在看。这个党和无理性的残害修炼〝真善忍〞的好人,迟早会遭报应。我不愿到时被它们牵累,在此声明退出曾参与 过的少先队及戴红领巾的一切污痕,做个清白善良的好人。

Dec. 8, Monday

Quit CCP Update

People who renounced the Communist Party and its affiliated

organizations grasped the opportunities for various reasons.

Some were due to a friend's persuasion, some due to personal

life experiences.

But the outcome is the same.

Let's look at two such statements.

De Cheng from Jinan City of Shandong Province wrote:

I knew the evilness of the party, I knew Falun Gong is good.

The person who introduced me to relevant information has also

told me that I should quit the party.

I did not agree and I did not know how.

Today, I met a co-worker from 20 years ago.

He was like the youngster who tried to persuade me

to quit the CCP, he also wanted me to withdraw from the CCP.

I have decided, without further ado, I solemnly renounce

the evil organizations of the Chinese Communist Party.

Predestined, a pseudonym, Shanghai, wrote:

My generation has been through the untimely, ill-fated, life.

I have encountered the Great Leap Forward which brought

three years of Great Famine;

during my youth, the Cultural Revolution forced the youth

to the countryside to learn farming and stop school;

when I was an adult ready to have a family and pursue my career,

the society has brought all sorts of difficulties.

These were all brought about by the party.

I am here to draw a line between myself and the party.

I will not collaborate or associate with it.

My future is no longer controlled by it.

Gods are watching us.

The brutal persecution of good people, who practice

"truth, compassion, tolerance," by the party and Jiang Zemin

will meet retribution.

I do not want to be implicated when the retribution begins.

I declare to quit the Young Pioneers and clean all the dirt

from wearing the red scarf.

I want to be a clean and kind person.

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