






认真阅读几期《》之后,更加看清邪党本质,退党 之心亦更加坚定!






恍惚间被人性 折服,误入邪党。



Dec. 10, Wednesday

Quit CCP - Updates

Many Chinese had joined the Communist Party with high hopes

but denounced the party after learning the CCP nature

through their experience and disappointment.

This learning process seems to get shorter,

as seen in the following statement.

In less than a year after becoming a member,

people decided to leave the CCP.

Shi Changyuan wrote:

I became a member when I was young.

I was deceived by the evil party and hoping to correct

the wrongful shame of the elderly in my family.

But for years, I have seen the hypocrisy and the ugly communist

nature and the many grievances,

I have wanted to quit the CCP for a very long time.

Out of concern for the life and security of the family,

I did not have the chance to read your newspaper

(The Epoch Times).

With this opportunity to come to the USA,

I finally have the chance to read your newspaper.

Your newspaper has helped me to further realized the true

evil nature of the party.

My determination to withdraw from the party is ever firmer.

I request my announcement to be published in your newspaper

again to demonstrate my aspirations. I am grateful!

I wish your newspaper a brighter and better business!

It will help many more Chinese to awaken

after years of ruling and brainwashing by the CCP!

Liu Wei from Jiangxi Province wrote:

I'm not a hero, but finally awaken.

I joined the Communist Youth League just a year ago,

because everyone said that a member of the CYL will provide

a strong basis for corruption.

In trance, I obeyed my human notion and strayed into the evil party.

Now I am clear and I am determined to repent.

Liberty, or give me death.

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