


近几天,〝小官巨贪〞忽然成了大陆 各大门户网站 和中共官媒争相讨论的热门话题。


类似上述的〝小官大贪〞案例近期不断被媒体曝光。为什么〝小官巨贪〞的现像在中国 大陆这样猖獗呢?民间、媒体和评论各有说法。


北京评论人士查建国:〝因为腐败的很重要的一个问题 ,就是权力没有受到制约。在权力没有受制约的情况下,掌权人的人性 恶的一方面就膨胀;在权力没有受到制约的情况下,权力和金钱的结合就是必然的。所以没有制约的权力是必然的产生腐败。〞



查建国 :〝现在中国再怎么反腐呢,你政治体制、你这个集权,你这个一党制,你这些都不能够有所变革,那么因为权力产生的腐败这一点不但不能根治,而且很难说现在现有的这些‘反腐’的效果能不能长久下去。很可能是有限度的,有禁区的,是人治的,是有时间限制的。以后会不会死灰复燃持续、更加疯狂,我想这些都是有可能存在的。〞





中国问题专家、美国乔治梅森大学客座教授,在接受《电台》采访时表示:大贪官也是由小贪官变化而来 ,中共高级官员贪腐情况其实更为严重,但为了不影响到中共本身的形象和合法性, 当局往往不会披露中共高官的真实贪污数额。

采访/ 朱智善 编辑/张天宇 后制/舒灿

Exposures of ‘Flies’ Covering Up The ‘Tigers’?

‘Flies’ refer to low level Communist officials

with corrupt deeds.

These grassroots officials are often found guilty of

corruption in tens of millions and even hundreds of

millions of yuan ($US tens of millions ).

The Communist mouthpieces have had frequent exposures

of these flies recently.

Commentators suspect these incidents are meant to divert

the attention away from the tigers, the corrupt officials

at high levels.

Recently, news of the flies went about in

mainland media and websites.

Seizure of 120 million ($US 20 million) in cash and

37 kilograms of gold were recently reported on a section-

level official in Hebei Province who owned 68 real estates;

A state-owned enterprise manager in Guangzhou was alleged

of a case involving nearly 400 million yuan ($US 65 million);

A village accountant in Beijing embezzled more than

100 million yuan ($US 16 million);

A village committee director of Shenzhen was suspected

of accepting bribes over 50 million ($US 16 million);

Beijing Zoo deputy director was charged with alleged corruption

of hundreds of millions of yuan ……

Cases similar to these have been exposed recently.

Why is this phenomenon of flies so rampant in China today?

Comments can be heard from various sectors.

The most popular view has been that these flies have resulted

from unchecked power for lack of supervision

under the one-party dictatorship.

Beijing commentator Zha Jianguo: One major issue in corruption

is that the authorities are not subject to constraints.

The ill-nature of the authorities gets to expand

when it’s lacking restriction.

Naturally, the power goes with the money.

Therefore, unlimited power will inevitably create corruption.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media attributed factors such

as insufficient anti-corruption, ineffective regulation,

imperfect legal system and so forth to the reoccurring flies.

There are critics arguing these factors are only superficial.

The fundamental reasons lie in the authorities, the Party.

When the Party is tilted, however sound the law, regulation,

and anti-corruption campaign, will do no good.

The superficial improvement will not eradicate

corruption from the root.

Zha Jianguo: How can China engage in the anti-corruption,

when political reform goes nowhere with

the one-party centralization?

There is no cure to the corruption caused by power.

How long will the effect of anti-corruption go?

It is very limited.

When it is the rule of man, there is restriction

in the aspects and time.

I believe it is even possible for it to reoccur

with greater chaos.

Netizens criticized: There must be a high official backing

behind the flies;

flies are greedy, the tigers are even more;

flies and tigers are one community of collusion.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Zha Jianguo: This phenomenon is very widespread,

from top to down, from the central deep into every little

company, unit, village.

Lack of orderly supervision has led to loopholes in finance

at all levels, and collusion in various positions.

Mainlanders believe that expecting a high official governing a

low-level official is like expecting the big greed managing

the small greed.

Petitioner Ms. Yu from Qidong City, Jiangsu Province:

This anti-corruption is a big net to get a few tigers,

but not the ones below them.

How can they have changed into good ones after a few make-up,

everyone has been saying that.

None of the corrupt ones have been taken care of in our place,

I think basically they have not touched any of them in the nation,

other than a few in Shanxi and Yunnan.

Zhang Tianliang, the China issue expert, also visiting professor

at George Mason University, told Radio Free Asia:

Tigers came from flies, the central corruption is

actually even worse.

In order not to affect the image and legitimacy of the CCP,

the authorities would not disclose the actual amount

of corruption amongst the CCP officials.

Interview/Zhu Zhisan Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Shu Chan

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