继周永康的〝中石油〞心腹涉及腐败,被当局定性为〝中石油窝案〞后,去年12月27号,前中共党魁江泽民家族掌控的〝中国 移动〞,也被官媒定性为〝中移动窝案〞。日前,〝中国移动〞广东公司原董事长兼总经理徐龙,也因严重违纪问题 ,被立案检查。
香港《开放》杂志2月号封面文章 披露,曾庆红才是当局锁定的大老虎,〝中央一号专案组〞调查的对像就是曾庆红,而对他调查的手法也与周永康案一样,是从亲信开始。目前主要是调查曾庆红的儿子曾伟,鲸吞〝山东鲁能〞国企资产700亿的大案,以及曾庆红的胞弟曾庆淮,在演艺界的经济问题。
山东维权 律师李向阳:〝中国产生腐败滥权的根本,就在于共产党的专制、反人类的体制。共产党党魁们为了维护特权,像皇帝一样为所欲为的特权,他们是不会放弃专制体制的。〞
据了解,曾庆红曾出谋献策,帮助江泽民整肃杨尚昆、逼迫乔石下台;又为了江泽民延续迫害法轮功 ,提拔周永康。周永康担任中共公安部长和中央政法委书记期间,积极镇压法轮功,对民众的迫害也由法轮功 修炼者蔓延到全社会,公安部门成了百姓公认的最腐败、最黑暗的部门,官民对立空前激烈。
1月30号,中国传统 的大年三十,江泽民的扬州大管家季建业被开除党籍,并被移送司法机关处理。时事评论员张粟田指出,这是现任领导人习近平全方位打击江派人马的标志。
采访/唐音 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭
Big Gun CCDI – Warning For Jiang Zemin?
On February 1, The Central Commission for Discipline
Inspection’s (CCDI) stressed severe punishment
for all corruption, so-called “zero tolerance” for corruption.
Feb 4, the Commission also issued a warning that for major
corruption cases, they will not only investigate the person
concerned, but also the related leadership.
Some analysts point out that the Chinese authorities have
focused on the former CCP Central Committee Political Bureau
Standing Committee, Vice President Zeng Qinghong,
which points to the ultimate “big tiger” – former Leader
Jiang Zemin.
February 4, the CCP official media “Xinhua” reported that
CCDI’s research revealed that some long uncovered, big cases
have become even more corrupt because they were not
processed in many years.
In some places, there are some long-term corrupt triad
gangs with a large number of suspects and covering large
territories that are not being investigated.
The report also said that the CCDI will implement “one case –
two investigations” in the localities, departments and units with
major corruption cases and serious disciplinary offenses.
They will investigate the person concerned and the related
leadership, including the responsibility of the party committee
and the discipline inspection commission.
Although the CCP has not announced the case of the Secretary
of the Central Political and Law Commission, Zhou Yongkang,
he has been said to be a dead tiger, internally.
After Zhou Yongkang‘s henchman from “PetroChina” was
involved in corruption, the case was characterized as the
“PetroChina” group case,
China Mobile, controlled by the former CCP leader Jiang
Zemin’s family, this case was characterized as “China Mobile”
group case on December 27, 2013.
Recently, the “China Mobile” former Guangdong Chairman and
General Manager Xu Long was checked due to serious
disciplinary problems.
Now, it seems that the Chinese authorities‘anti-corruption
campaign already targets the ultimate “Big Tiger”, Jiang Zemin
because the Commission also investigated the leadership.
It is said that the former Vice-President Zeng Qinghong is a
major advisor of Jiang Zemin.
February, Hong Kong “Open” magazine cover story revealed
Zeng Qinghong is the big tiger locked-in by the authorities.
He is the object of the “I Task Force” investigation.
They used the same way to investigate Zeng Qinghong and
Zhou Yongkang, starting from basics.
Currently, they are mainly investigating Zeng Qinghong’s son
Zeng Wei for devouring “Shandong Luneng” 70 billion
state-owned assets,
and Zeng Zeng’s brother Zeng Qinghuai‘s economic problems
in entertainment.
“Open” cited the news that Zhou Yongkang’s family and
cronies‘corruption involved Zeng Qinghong‘s family.
Zeng Qinghong’s niece Zeng Baobao had been involved in
Zhou Yongkang’s housekeeper Wu Bing’s ZhongXu
corruption system chain.
Hong Kong “South China Morning Post” pointed that Zeng
Baobao’s father, Zeng Qinghuai is close to Wu Bing and
Zhong Xu,
and has repeatedly funded or co-organized large-scale
cultural activities to help Zeng Qinghuai.
Shandong rights lawyer Li Xiangyang: “The main reason for
corruption in China is because of the CCP‘s autocratic
antihuman system.
The CCP leaders will not give up the authoritarian regime
because it gives them privileges like the emperor.”
It is said that Zeng Qinghong helped Jiang Zemin make
suggestions to purge Yang Shangkun,
force Qiao Shi to step down, continue to persecute Falun Gong
and promote Zhou Yongkang.
Zhou Yongkang actively persecuted Falun Gong practitioners,
throughout the whole of society, when he was the Minister of Public
Security and the Secretary of the Central Political and Law Committee.
The Public Security Department became recognized as the darkest
and most corrupt Department.
The opposition between the people and officials is
unprecedentedly fierce.
It is said that the cost of persecuting Falun Gong was equivalent
to that of a war, for the CCP.
US China columnist Ren Baiming: “the current authorities are
very clear that the Falun Gong issue is the core of China’s political
situation; everything is a paper war without resolving the Falun
Gong issue.
Investigating economic corruption cases, is in actuality
the rooting out of deeper elements such as Zeng Qinghong
and Jiang Zemin. “
US China columnist Ren Baiming pointed out that Jiang Zemin
implemented the corruption ruling in order to allow officials to
act as the vanguard for persecuting Falun Gong.
Ren Baiming: “Jiang Zemin took advantage of the CCP corruption
system to foster and promote corrupt officials to persecute
Falun Gong.
In fact, he made the CCP foundation rot away through corruption.
In this case, investigating Jiang Zemin and corruption to fight
the big tiger is actually catching the essence.”
January 30, the traditional Chinese New Year’s Eve, Jiang
Zemin’s Yangzhou housekeeper, Ji Jianye was expelled from
the Party and transferred to judicial authority.
Political commentator Zhang Sutian pointed out that it is a
sign that the current leader Xi Jinping is fully at war with
Jiang‘s cronies.
Rear/TangYIN edited/CHenGie interview/CHengJianming
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
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