
【禁闻】〝六四〞25周年 〝天下围城〞启动

新年将近,〝六四 〞25周年纪念活动〝天下围城〞,也全面进入策划和筹备阶段。与以往不同的是,这次的纪念活动不但分为不同系列,活动项目也更加富有新意,预计会有更多的、民间团体和组织参加,活动时间有可能长达一年。

纪念〝六四〞25周年的〝天下围城〞系列活动,即将在新年拉开帷幕。据《》报导,活动的主要发起人涛最近奔走美西,和洛杉矶、等地的民运 人士讨论活动具体计划。


洛杉矶民运人士 郑存柱:〝我们计划从明年的1月1号开始,然后到12月31号,就是2014年整个一年的365天,每一天都会有人来参与 绝食。然后在中国 驻各国国家领事馆,举办一系列抗议活动。然后还在一些国际大型活动场合,我们也会举办一些跟有关的抗议活动,以此来纪念‘六四’25周年。〞

郑存柱表示,除了人士会参加这次活动,他们希望大陆 当年曾参与过〝六四〞运动的人士,以及了解〝六四〞正义 人士,特别是年轻人,也能支持〝围城〞活动,进行诸如〝接力绝食〞这类有能力参与的项目。


此外,一些新颖而有创意的活动也吸引了人们的关注,例如艺术 家陈维明建议,在明年三月份奥斯卡颁奖时,同时举办另类颁奖会,目前已经有了初步构思。


郑存柱表示,〝天下围城〞系列活动的目地,一个是让人们不要忘记〝六四〞,让世人继续关注这一无法沉淀的历史 事件;另外一个是想通过大型活动,配合媒体的宣传,让更多的年轻人了解〝六四〞事件。

自今年8月,前天安门 学生运动领袖王丹发表公告,宣布以〝天下围城〞的方式纪念〝六四〞25周年后,中共当局开始坐立不安,一面利用喉舌《环球时报》发表批评文章 ,一面采取各种手段阻挠活动进行。




与此同时,大批来自大陆的喊冤访民、维权 团体、法轮功 学员、流亡藏人、基督教家庭教会等遭到中共迫害的团体和组织,也在海外 各地举行抗议中共暴政 的活动,使得中共当局四面楚歌,丑态毕现。

采访编辑/张天宇 后制/陈建铭

2014 is Year of Global Events to Mark 25th Anniversary of June 4

As New Year approaches entering into 2014, people

are planning and preparing for the 25th anniversary

of the June 4 Tiananmen Square protests in 1989.

There will be a series of global events to mark the day,

which have become known as ‘Wei Cheng’, or ‘siege’.

Unlike previous years, this series of events

is expected to last the whole of 2014.

There are expected to be many democracy

activists, civil rights groups, and associated

organizations, that will join these events.

To mark the 25th anniversary of the June 4

Tiananmen Square protests in 1989, a series

of global rallies will begin early in the New Year.

According to a report by Voice of America,

Wang Jun, one of the main activity sponsors,

recently traveled to Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Wang Juntao was discussing specific plans

for the events with democracy supporters.

Zheng Cunzhu is the coordinator of the global rallies,

and spoke with NTD about the forthcoming year.

Zheng Cunzhu: “There will be someone participating

in a hunger strike every day for 365 days during 2014.

From January 1 to December 31.

We will have a series of protests in front

of Chinese Consulate in each country.

We will organize human rights related

protests as large big international events, to

remember the June 4 incident 25 years ago.”

Zheng Cunzhu commented that in addition

to overseas democracy supporters, they

are expecting more people to take part.

They especially expect young people

to support these “Wei Cheng” activities.

This includes the relay hunger strike.

The relay hunger strike is the first in a

series of activities and global rallies.

People around the world can participate, as long

as they publish their name, position and motivations

for their one day hunger strike on the internet.

In addition, some innovative activities

have also attracted people’s attention.

For example, artist Chen Weiming has suggested

holding an alternative award ceremony from the

Oscars next March, which has received some interest.

Zheng Cunzhu: “There is no detail out yet.

Probably, we will do some action art, including awarding

some democracy supporters outside the Kodak Theatre.”

Zheng Cunzhu says that there are two purposes

of the series of activities in the Wei Cheng.

Firstly, it is to attract people’s attention to remind them

of June 4, and of what happened, so no one forgets.

Secondly, it is to make more young people understand

the incident, through media coverage of these large events.

In August this year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

began to act with unease after Wang Dan, a former student

leader of the 1989 protests, announced the Wei Cheng.

The CCP has tried to take various actions to obstruct these,

activities, criticizing them in state-controlled “Global Times”.

Zheng Cunzhu: “Currently, they are only trying

to spread rumors, and interfere in the organizing.

For example, we recruited some volunteers to participate

in mailing out information. The password was then stolen.

Another example was a rumor about our core

person Wang Juntao, who is visiting other cities.

There are some rumors being spread

on the internet, some libelous rumors.”

Zheng Cunzhu believes that what the CCP fears

most is exposing the truth of it’s many crimes.

That is why they are trying to obstruct

and damage the Wei Cheng campaign.

In response, democracy supporters responded

that there will always be difficulty in the interaction

between democracy and the country’s dictatorship.

We need to take action in this most difficult time.

It is understood that there are also other activities planned.

One if referred to as the “return to Tiananmen Square”,

planned by well-known media personality Bei Feng.

There are also other commemorative

activities planned by democracy groups.

A large number of people from mainland China who have

suffered persecution are continuing their protests overseas,

to highlight continuing crimes against humanity in China.

These include advocacy groups, Falun Gong practitioners,

Tibetans in exile, and House Church Christians.

Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人

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