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关于全面深化改革若干重大问题 的决定》,开篇就用〝决心之大〞、〝变革之深〞、〝影响之广〞,〝前所未有〞,〝举世瞩目〞等诸多充满〝伟光正〞的优美词句,把《决定》本身赞美了一番。不过外界认为,撇开中共历来雷声大雨点小的作风,单就文字而言也谈不上改革。

所谓的《决定》第6条29款写道,坚持农村土地所有权,维护农民土地承包经营权,发展壮大集体 经济。稳定农村土地承包关系并保持长久不变。

大陆 《农产品市场周刊》网站 负责人黄良天:〝不看好,不看好,没有所谓的改革,只要坚持农村土地的集体所有制,这就没有改革可言,共产掌权以后,一直用集体这个名义,掠夺很多东西变成自己的党产,现在农民从党里头承包土地,变成把土地资源全给占了,它想给谁就给谁,给你多少年,就给多少年。〞


大陆《农产品市场周刊》网站负责人黄良天担心,如此下去,中国 农村的土地只能种钢筋水泥,而不能种粮食。


中国专栏作家朱智勇在他的微博中写道,伟大的土地改革又要开始了,在经历了一轮残酷的城市圈地运动之后,农民的土地再一次被系统 瞄准。 …….不在人生权利上做出改变,眼睛盯着他们那一点可怜的土地,用心何在?政府能承诺流转收益全部归农户吗?

今年春天,中共党媒《农民日报》刊登了一篇题为《没有土地的村庄,谁来为失地农民买单》的文章 。文章中详细的描述了一开发区领导,动员土地承包者集体签订了土地流转委托书,几年后,又变相收回了村民还有16年承包期的土地使用权和经营权,再以每亩加200元的价格,把后面的租期倒卖给了地产商。







采访编辑/刘惠 后制/葛雷

New Land Reform Becomes Protection of “Enclosure Movement” in Rural Areas!?

Following the closed-door Third Plenary session, the Chinese

Communist Party has been widely criticized for not

fulfilling its previous promises on reform.

In the face of heavy criticism, the party hastily released

the so-called “reform decision” document but still

received little recognitions.

Specifically, experts say that the recent rural land reform

“decision” is no more than policy giving official protection to

interest groups who forcibly seize lands from peasants.

Any real land form must return land ownership to peasants.

The CCP has announced it’s document of the “Decision of

the CCP Central Committee on Several Important Issues of

Comprehensively Deepening Reform”.

From the start, the document uses flashy terms such as

“unprecedented”, “huge determination”, “deep reform”, “wide

influence”, and “focus of world attention” to glorify itself.

However, outsiders say that even putting aside the party’s

tradition of “much said and little done”,

the “Decision” still fails to amount to real reform.

In Article 6, Paragraph 29 of the “Decision”, it says

“Stick to collective ownership of rural lands”,

“Protect peasant’s rights of land contracting”

and “Develop collective economy”.

The party wants to maintain control of and continue

the current land contracting system in rural areas.

Huang Liangtian, director of Chinese website Farmers’

Market Weekly: “I don’t like it. There is no real reform as long

as the collective ownership of rural lands does not change.

Since taking power the CCP has always been plundering

properties for itself via “collectivization”.

Now peasants have to contract with the party for land use.

The party has occupied all land resource and it can give it

to anyone for any time span at will.”

In Article 3, Paragraph 11 of the “Decision”, it says

“Construct a unified land market for construction”,

“Permit transfer, leasing and sharing of collective-owned

farm lands for construction without violation of planning

and use control.”

Huang Liangtian, director of blocked Chinese website

Farmers’ Market Weekly, worries that following that policy

all farm lands in China will only end up

“growing” reinforced concrete instead of crops.

Huang Liangtian: “The announced ‘Decision’ now makes

the previously unclear property rights become clear,

allowing rural land to be sold like urban land.

Who will sell them? Who has the authority to do that?

This is not mentioned.

Therefore the answer is just as usual: governments or

leaders of their rural agencies, the party branch secretaries.

For individual peasants, they are now facing

an even worse situation.”

Chinese column writer Zhu Zhiyong wrote the following

on Weibo: “Another round of great land reform has begun.

After a series of cruel land grabs in cities,

now peasants’ lands have become the next target…

What is the motive of aiming at those poor people’s

only property without improving their rights?

Can the authorities promise to give all interests from land

transfers to rural residents?”

This spring, party mouthpiece Farmers’ Daily published

an article titled “Villages without lands: Who will pay

the bill for peasants?”

The article told the following story in detail. A leader of

an economic development zone persuaded local land

contractors to collectively sign a “letter of authorization

for land transfer”.

Several years later, he secretly retracted villagers’ remaining

16 years of land use and management rights.

Finally, the official sold those tenancy periods to developers

at a price of 200 yuan per mu (about $192 per acre).

Local leaders managed to grab all lands of the village

via land transfer operations accompanied by intimidation,

deception, suppression and every other possible means.

Finally all lands of the village were left unused,

with green fields untended and farmers unable make a living.

Huang Liangtian: “How can a party meeting decide how

to use rural lands?

Once the CCP’s Central Committee says something, a large

group of crony enterprises will flock to seize

rural land resources. This problem has now become very serious.”

Moreover, it is not rare to see peasants being beaten to

death or even buried alive when they resist forcible land

expropriation all over China.

Huang Liangtian says that the only solution to solve

the problem is to return land ownership to peasants

and implement land privatization.

Duan Shaoyi, an MBA instructor of Beijing Normal University,

told NTD that the lad grab phenomenon definitely exists, but

the CCP is very afraid of implementing land privatization.

Chinese economist Hua Sheng recently said in an interview

that land reforms should serve for the country’s hundreds of

millions of peasant workers in cities and farmers.

It should not serve to aid in rural land grabs for capital,

or aid local governments and their officials in making

unrealistic achievements.

In this sense, this issue is a real test to the party leaders.

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