
【禁闻】新疆警民冲突 引国际舆论关注

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2013年11月18日讯】新疆警民冲突 引国际舆论关注

中国 新疆喀甚地区再度发生警民暴力冲突事件,受到舆论关注,西方主流媒体《》、《路透社》等都广泛报导了这一消息。



迪里夏提对台湾《》表示,在事件之后,大陆 当局加重了对维族人的控制,一遇到抗议事件,就开枪镇压。



英媒:彭博记者被指泄密 被停职


英国《》17号刊登报导说,《彭博通讯社》驻记者傅才德(Michael Forsthye)被指是泄密人,报导援引知情人士的消息说,傅才德自周二(14号)起被停职。

报导说,《彭博社》和傅才德(Michael Forsythe)本人拒绝就此发表评论。


广东罢工潮越演越烈 警持枪威吓


据《中国革命》网站 报导,从11月7号开始罢工的东莞市〝十和田电子公司〞工人,继13号围堵警车和派出所后,15号,再次集中在大门口唱歌。



Xinjiang Uighur Clash The Police Station

Draws International Attention

Violent clashes between police and local ethnic groups took

place in Kashgar, Xinjiang and were widely reported by

Western mainstream media such as AFP and Reuters.

The Chinese state media revealed this violence first.

Xinjiang government news agency, Tianshan News, reported

that on Nov. 16, nine mobsters with knives and axes attacked

a police station at Bachu county, killing two policemen.

The nine people were gunned down on the site.

Reuters quoted the World Uyghur Congress the spokesman

Dilxat Raxit saying that the last violence occurred after

the police used electric battons to beat Uighurs, who went to

protest at the police station, and then shot a protester dead.

Dilxat told Taiwan state news agency, CNA, that since the

crash at Tiananmen Square, the Chinese Communist Party

(CCP) has enhanced controls on Uighurs with shooting to

suppress any protests.

He said that the repression has turned so provocative that the

Uighurs don’t feel safe even sitting at home.

The Uighurs’ tolerance has reached the limit.

Conflicts can easily be set off.

Dilxat called on the international community to take prompt

action to stop the CCP shooting the Uighur protesters .

British Media: Bloomberg Suspends Reporter over China Leak

Bloomberg News was said to withhold a news investigation

about the relationship between China’s wealthiest man and

governmental officials for fear of angering the Chinese

Communist regime.

Financial Times reported on Nov.17th that Michael Forsthye

was suspended on the 14th for allegedly leaking Bloomberg’s

decision on the withhold.

Bloomberg and Michael Forsythe were reported not to make


It is also reported that Bloomberg will begin a round

of lay offs, possibly 50 to 100 staff.

Guangdong Strikes Tension Intensifies

As Armed Police Arrive

Multiple strikes have taken place in Guangdong.

Rather than settlement on the disputes between the labor and

the industry, the clashes have intensified.

The Chinese Jasmine Revolution website reported that

workers of Towada Electronics Company in Dongguan

have been on strike since Nov. 7.

On the 13th, the workers contained the police cars and

the police station.

On the 15th, they once again gathered in front of

company and sang.

The police arrived with riot police guarding the scene.

Some police were wearing bullet-proof vests and armed with

rifles. The tension has increased.

Edit / Zhou Yulin

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