
【禁闻】蒋洁敏编政绩 温家宝被骗兴奋无眠

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【新唐人2013年09月09日讯】原中石油集团董事长、国资委主任蒋洁敏落马后,爆出他在中石油任职期间造假编造业绩,甚至令中共上当受骗的丑闻。有媒体引用民间的顺口溜:村骗乡、乡骗县、一路骗到,来形容大陆 官场的光怪陆离,认为中国 沦为谎言大国,社会道德沦亡,根源正是中共。





》总编辑伍凡 对身为地质学硕士的温家宝,亲临实地考察都会被骗倒表示质疑。他认为,不排除中共当时基于投资或GDP等经济因素的考虑,需要利用这个假消息。

中文 杂志《中国事务》总编辑伍凡:〝一个是制度性的,总的需要作假。但就这一次在蒋洁敏被隔离审查,要打石油帮的时候把这个东西拿出来,实际上是更重的打石油帮,让人们更恨,更讨厌石油帮,也就是讨厌这批人。〞







另外,中共统计局近期也承认了有统计数据弄虚作假的问题 。像云南陆良县今年上半年上报的2亿1千万元投资完成额之中,只有2千万元属实,其余1亿9千万元属虚报。

时事评论员邢天行:〝这个造假它的根源是从中共它的本性上来的。因为中共的历史 就是用谎言建造起来的,一切都是为了它的政治需要服务。为了它的政治需要,它经济上其他方面一切都可以造假,它就是鼓励官员造假。这样一来它就形成了一个官场的风气,就是大家都是在造假当中追求升官发财。〞


采访/常春 编辑/飞 后制/李智远

Hong Kong Media Reveal Jiang Jiemin Fooled Wen Jiabao

Jiang Jiemin, former chairman of CNPC (China

National Petroleum Corp.) was recently sacked.

Jiang was also the Director of SASAC (State

owned Assets Supervision and Administration

Commission of the State Council).

Former premier Wen Jiabao was said to be fooled

by Jiang Jiemin’s fabricated accomplishments.

Hong Kong media describe this chaos of

cheating scandals as existing in China

from rural communities to the State Council.

The Communist Party is considered

the root of all of these problems.

Business.Sohu.com reported on information

about Jiang Jiemin from early 2007.

Jiang Jiemin, then deputy general manager of

PetroChina, needed a large oil field to prove himself.

This period of time was when China’s oil

consumption doubled, and imports increased.

Jiang Jiemin anxiously announced the discovery

of Jidong Nanpu Oilfield and claimed it contained

reserves as high as one Billion tones of oil.

He ignored experts’ analysis, and those

who rejected his ideas were removed.

Premier Wen Jiabao at that time received a report in

advance, and inspected the Jidong Oilfield on May 1.

He said, “This is the most exciting discovery

in the 40 years of Chinese oil exploration.

I was so excited that I could not sleep.”

The whole nation was excited about the news.

China Affairs magazine editor, Chris Wu, suspected

why Wen Jiabao was deceived during the inspection.

Wen Jiabao had a master’s degree in geology.

He believed there were economic

concerns over the investment or GDP.

Chris Wu, China Affairs magazine editor:

“The whole institute needs to deceive.

Jiang Jiemin is now isolated and investigated,

and it seems time to expose the oil gang.

The internal fights against the oil gang,

such as Zhou Yongkang, have started.”

The Communist regime recognized a few months later that

the oil capacity at the new site was less then one billion tons.

Recoverable reserves were only

1/5 of what Jiang Jiemin claimed.

The Jidong Oilfield news disappeared shortly afterwards.

However, the dazzling performance of Jiang Jiemin won

him the position of General Manager of the CNPC in 2007.

Currently, former Chongqing Party

Secretary Bo Xilai is awaiting sentencing.

Former Politics and Law Committee Secretary

Zhou Yongkang is currently being removed.

Commentator Lin Zixu believes the exposure

of Jiang Jiemin deceiving Wen Jiabao signals

intensified fights within the central regime.

Lin Zixu, Commentator: “This news brought Wen Jiabao

closer to the people through his sleepless excitement.

People also question why Jiang Jiemin

would dare to deceive the former Premier.

A person who fooled the Premier got

promoted, so who was the hand behind this?

This news seemed to lay groundwork for subsequent actions.”

It is believed that Jiang Jiemin

is a confidant of Zhou Yongkang.

Wen Jiabao is the rival of

Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai.

However, Wen Jiabao was not

the first known to be cheated.

In June this year, official Chinese media disclosed

the story of Ni Fake from 15 years ago.

Ni Fake is the former Party Secretary of Anhui Nanling, and

deceived then Premier Zhu Rongji with false grain reserves.

Although Zhu Rongji realized the false information,

Ni Fake still became the deputy governor.

The Chinese Bureau of Statistics recently

recognized data on falsification issues.

Luliang County of Yunnan is another example.

Of the reported 210 Million yuan of

investment, 190 Million yuan was false.

Xing Tianhang Commentator: “This fabrication

has its root from the nature of the Communist Party.

The regime built its history on lies,

and lies serve its political needs.

Fabrication exists in politics, the

economy, and everything else.

Officials are encouraged to lie.

It has become a norm in the regime.

Everyone is in the pursuit of fraudulent practices.”

Hong Kong based Oriental Daily News commented

that China today can be described in one word; “fake.”

A great big country is now degenerated into a lie.

The Communist regime is the

root to social and moral decay.

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