
【禁闻】跨国药企玩灰色营销 高干子弟得宠

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2013年08月21日讯】外资医药企业在华行贿风波愈演愈烈,继全球知名制药厂商葛兰素史克4名高管被刑拘后,阿斯利康、赛诺菲、礼来等药业巨头也爆出类似丑闻。媒体报导揭示,很多跨国药企在进入中国 后,很快被〝入乡随俗〞,热衷于〝灰色营销手法〞,争相招纳作为企业高管。下面请看报导。

大陆 媒体《证券市场周刊》最近披露了一份资料,罗列了部分在华跨国药企的高管名单。其中,家世显赫的李振福2003年加盟诺华公司任中国区总裁,此后诺华中国区的增长速度高达诺华全球增速的3倍。2012年接任诺华中国区总裁的徐海瑛则有一个家族背景很深的丈夫。






北京国情内参首席研究员、独立中国问题 学家:〝因为中国是一个人治的国家。人家说的红二代、红三代,一般都掌握有政治资源,政治资源简单的说,就是批钱。那么他一句话,通过他的关系(钱)进去到哪个企业,这都是很简单的一件事。〞




新疆网友张先生:〝它盛行潜规则。然后它通过中共权贵阶层、代理 以后,把药价提得很高,即使国家给报销一部分,老百姓的负担也是比医疗改革以前还是增加了几倍的负担。〞




采访/朱智善 编辑/李谦 后制/王明宇


Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies in China Benefit Privilege Group

The corruption scandal of foreign pharmaceutical companies in China has intensified. Since the arrests of four senior managers at the world’s leading pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline,, AstraZeneca, Sanofi and Eli Lilly companies experienced similar scandals.

According to media reports, after multinational pharmaceutical companies enter China, they soon “do what Romans do”. They get keen on gray marketing practices. They recruit high-ranking officials’ children to operate their businesses.

China’s Capital Week magazine listed senior managers in multinational pharmaceutical companies in China. Among them, the distinguished lineage of Li Zhenfu (Jeffrey Li) joined Novartis in 2003, serving as China region President. Soon, the Novartis growth rate in China increased three times higher than the Novartis global market. In 2012, Xu Haiying became the Novartis president in China. Xu’s husband came from a family with a connected background.

Among the list, some people in the past were members of the national committee and the National People’s Congress

Feng Danlong currently serves as Affairs Director and spokesman of the US Pfizer China Corporate. Feng was a member of China’s National Committee and a representative of Shanghai People’s Congress. Feng’s aunt Feng Lida was a famous immunology expert at home and abroad. Feng’s grandmother, Li Dequan was the first Health Minister after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took over China.

He Junjiao, an enterprise observer in Mainland China told NTD that China is a society with authoritarian market. It has a different form comparing to free societys’ economy.

He Junqiao: “Under such an economic structure, the economy latches onto the power becomes a natural outcome. Using high-ranking officials’ children, actually is associated with their family background.”

Capital Week reported that multinational pharmaceutical companies in China have been involved in political affairs. If they want to set up or purchase a new company in China, they need CCP approval. Considering this point, they allocate relations with the CCP as their top priority work. They spend large amount of money on government relations. So these multinational pharmaceutical companies recruited people with well connected CCP backgrounds.

Gong Shenli, independent China affairs expert:“China is a country of men. The Red second and third generations normally had political resources. The political resources means they have the rights to control the distribution of money. They used the money to buy the relationships (connections) then any company they want to get in, is very easy.”

Many netizens commented about the multinational pharmaceutical scandals.

Some netizens said, “No matter how good foreign companies are, once they enter China they become polluted.” A netizen said: “Power is invincible, if a company is national or multinational, all controlled by Red second and third generation.”

Some netizens are dissatisfied with the so-called “healthcare reforms” that were carried out by the CCP in recent years..

Xinjiang Netizen Mr. Zhang: “They use unauthorized policies. Then through agencies operated by the privileged and princelings groups, they increase the price of medicines. Although the state health benefit can reimburse some costs, the civilians’ cost burdens increased several times higher.”

Sources said that multinational pharmaceutical companies were established in China 30 years ago. Behind the US and Japan, China now is the third biggest pharmaceutical market in the world. Nevertheless, this market is full of fraud and self-interest chains due to the CCP’s corrupt system.

Gong Shengli: “Chinese society allows the existence of such corruption. Especially for the CCP’s cadres. If you are a CCP cadre, one almost talks in an authoritative way. There is no environment for checks and balances. There is no place for this under citizens’ monitoring.”

Gong Shenli said in the past, the CCP mentioned “rule of law”. However, now the authorities have stressed the party governance. It will naturally put “rule of law” aside, making the country of men more powerful, so the corruption is much worse.

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