

下面来关注一下大陆各地的维权 事件。




根据〝〞统计,2014年 北京当局非法绑架法轮功 学员200多人,其中,24人被非法判刑或面临判刑迫害,失踪6人,流离失所4人,含冤离世1人,被骚扰者26人。





大陆新浪微博账号〝中国 网路资讯台〞15号发消息说,当天中午12点左右,安徽阜阳市政府门口发生一起中年男子自焚事件 ,自焚原因不清楚,人还在抢救中。消息在网上引起关注,很多人表示同情,认为〝民不畏死必是绝望至极〞。

Let's look at the brave rights defending activities

of the repressed Chinese people.

Anhui Villagers Beaten for Protest Against Government

A piece of land was forcibly acquired for road construction

by the government without local villagers’ agreement.

The acquisition cost was also embezzled by the local officials.

Villagers gathered at the construction site to stop the project

but met suppression by 300 police.

Many were beaten and at least eight of them were arrested.

This happened in the Xiaoyu Village of Lu'an City, Anhui Province.

200 Beijing Falun Gong Practitioners Were Kidnapped in 2014

Statistics of Minghui.org showed Beijing authorities illegally

kidnapped more than 200 Falun Gong practitioners in 2014.

Among them, 24 people were sentenced or are faced with

sentencing, 6 are missing, 3 became destitute and homeless,

one died wrongfully, and 26 were harassed.

It was reported that the peak of arrest was during

the two sessions and the APEC meeting.

The oldest was 80 years old.

The most seriously affected urban area is Haidian district,

and the most persecuted suburb is the Fangshan District.

Due to the information blockade in mainland and other

reasons, there are numerous cases of persecution not

exposed yet.

The statistics do not reflect the whole picture

of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing.

Hundreds of Migrant Workers Protest in Kunming

On the 14th, hundreds of construction workers in Kunming

of Yunnan Province pulled banners in front of real estate

developer, Helen International.

The banners read, "Give me back my hard-earned money,

I want to go home," They demanded to recover wage arrears.

It was reported that more than 2,000 workers have not

received their wages for nearly a year in the total amount

of 20 million yuan.

Workers have already protested several times but to no avail.

Anhui Man Commits Self-Immolation In Front Of City Hall

A post on a Weibo account, China Net Info, revealed

a middle-aged man set himself on fire around noon of the 15th

for unknown reasons in front of city hall of Fuyang City,

Anhui Province.

The man is in a critical condition.

While many people expressed their concerns, it is also pointed

out that “only the extremely desperate one fears no death.”

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