
【禁闻】令计划被查 中共内斗升级?

官方媒体22号发布消息,中共政协副主席令计划涉嫌严重违纪,接受调查。令计划也是今年继周永康 、徐才厚案之后,遭到调查的第三位国家级领导人。令计划曾任中央办公厅主任,是〝团派〞的主要智囊。那么,令计划的落马,是否意味着中共内斗的升级呢?请看报导。


就在今年12月15号,令计划还在中共机关刊物《求是》上发表文章 ,全文遍布习近平的讲话精神。这也是令计划在媒体上的最后一次公开〝露面〞,但这并没有使他平安着陆。



而化名王诚的令计划的弟弟令完成,在今年10月从被遣返后,人们都在猜测,尽管令计划还经常露面,但他的落马恐怕只是时间的问题 了。




中国 问题独立评论员李善鉴:〝令计划下台真正的原因是什么?我觉得远远不是腐败的问题,因为中共这个官场,它里边的官员,基本上是找不到清官的。〞




《财新网》12月22号的报导说,为掩盖儿子死因,令计划与当时的政法系统 负责人达成了某种政治约定。但这个约定随即败露,原本仕途看好的令计划的政治道路由此逆转。不过,《财新网》这篇报导随后被删除。




对此,旅美政治评论家陈破空 向媒体表示,当时针对中共总书记习近平发生政变的人马涉及到了太子党薄熙来、周永康和团派的令计划。但习近平通过在中共18大前的两周神秘隐匿后,成功逼迫中共高层 妥协,并达成某种协定。所以习近平在上台后,对政变集团以及他们的党羽,一个一个的逐步清除。


采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/

Ling Jihua Investigated—CCP Power Struggle Upgraded?

On Dec. 22, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) media

reported that Ling Jihua, the vice chairman of the National

Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

was under investigation over alleged violations.

He is the third national level leader to be investigated

this year, following Zhou Yongkang and Xu Caihou.

Ling Jihua served as the director of the CCP General Office

and Youth League Faction as Hu Jin’s most senior aide.

Does his downfall signify that the CCP’s

internal power struggles are intensifying?

Let’s see today’s story.

Ling Jihua serves at the deputy national-level as

the vice chairman of the CPPCC, as well as being the head of

the United Front Work Department.

On Dec. 15, he published an article that was in line with

Xi Jinping’s ideas, in the CCP’s political theory periodical,

Qiushi—this turned out to be Ling Jihua’s final public

appearance in the media.

The article didn’t give him safe landing, but seemed to give

a foregleam of Ling Jihua’s downfall.

On Jun. 19, Jihua’s brother, Ling Zhengce, who served as

the vice chairman of Shanxi People's Political Consultative

Conference, was investigated on suspicion of committing

a serious violation of the law.

The officialdom of Shanxi Province—Ling Jihua’s hometown

—has had quite a shock over the downfall of senior officials.

Jihua’s young brother, Ling Wancheng—alias Wang Cheng—

was also repatriated from the U.S. in October; so it was only

a matter of time before Ling Jihua was taken down.

And as expected, he is now under investigation and expected

to be expelled from the Party together with Zhou Yongkang

in December.

Chen Minghui, Political Commentator: "For now, the most

immediate and obvious power struggle is ’anti-corruption’;

it seems it’s the most effective way to prevent a comeback,

compared to economic or political struggle."

Minghui says, to maintain the current political stability,

the CCP only has one path—political struggle through

removing dissidents, in the name of anti-corruption.

Li Shanjian, U.S.-China Independent Commentator:

"What’s the true reason for Ling Jihua’s downfall?—

I believe it’s far from corruption, because there is no honest

and upright official in the communist officialdom."

Li Shanjian says, one reason for Jihua’s downfall may be that

he has some political dealings with Jiang’s faction in handling

the Bo Xilai case, especially after the Ferrari car accident.

The mainland’s Caixin website posted on the official

microblog: "58-year-old Ling Jihua is the fourth national

leader to be officially taken down, within half a year;

his career reversed in 2012.”

“There are signs that Ling Jihua, Zhou Yongkang

and Politburo member Bo Xilai—who was sacked after

the Wang Lijun Incident—are alliances.”

According to the U.S.’ Wall Street Journal and other foreign

media disclosures, Jihua’s son, Ling Gu—alias Wang Ziyun—

died in a car accident in a Ferrari on Mar. 18, 2012 in Beijing.

On Dec. 22, the Caixin website reported that Ling Jihua had

reached an agreement with the political and legal system

leaders to cover up the cause of his son’s death; however,

an immediate disclosure of this agreement led to a reversal in

Jihua’s promising political career.

However, this report at Caixin is subsequently deleted.

On the eve of the 18th CCP National Congress, Ling Jihua

was transferred from the position of office director to become

the head of the United Front Work Department.

He was also elected as vice chairman of the CPPCC

the following year.

According to senior reporter Luo Changping, Jihua had

organized an underground society, the Xishan Club,

in Beijing, consisting of native Shanxi senior officials.

The recently sentenced Ding Shumiao, Liu Zhijun

and Liu Tienan were all members of the Xishan Club.

It’s said that another reason for Ling Jihua’s downfall is that

he engaged in forming a small group.

One media reported that Zhou Yongkang, Ling Jihua,

Luo Zhijun and Li Yuanchao had had a big dinner before

the 18th CCP National Congress and were considered allies

by the CCP; hence Ling Jihua and Li Yuanchao’s careers

plunged downhill from the 18th CCP National Congress.

U.S. political commentator, Chen Pokong says the coup plot

involved the princeling Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang from

Jiang’s faction and Ling Jihua from the Youth League faction.

However, Xi Jinping successfully forced the CCP senior level

into a compromise, reaching an agreement after hiding out for

two weeks before the 18th CCP National Congress.

After taking office, Xi has been getting rid of the coup groups

and their henchmen one by one.

Chen Pokong believes that without the CCP system changing,

the battle against corruption will forever continue, because

it’s impossible to solve through such ‘anti-corruption’ fights.

Interview/ ChenHan Edit/ SongFeng Post-Production/JianMing

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