害怕工作,学业受影响,有些人选择 从心里远离中共,现在,在了解真相后,他们终于把心里话说出来了。来看今天的退党精选。
只记得当时炼法轮大法的人好多,我当时想退出团,又怕被开除,索性我就没有交一分团费。到毕业分工作时由于不交团费,组织关系就不成立,自动除名。也可以说,从入团哪天起我就退团 了!
For fear of losing their jobs and school admission, many try
to mentally steer clear of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
But, after learning the facts about the CCP, they finally dare
to speak their minds.
Let's look at their announcements.
Lao Si from China wrote:
"I was at technical school when the evil party tricked me
into joining the Communist Youth League.
I did not know anything about the truth of their persecution.
I never believed in the Communist Party,
the Youth League, or the Young Pioneers.
All I remember was there were many people practicing
Falun Dafa.
I wanted to withdraw from the League, but I was afraid
of being dismissed.
I simply did not pay a dime of the membership.
When it was time to be assigned to a work field after
graduation, my relationship to the organization was nullified
because I never paid the fee. I was automatically removed
from the League.
It can be said that from the day I joined the League
I have withdrawn from it!
Today I have to renounce it again seriously. The CCP is the
devil. Mankind knows it.
God will bring about the demise of the CCP, and it will
definitely be destroyed.”
Xin Qu from China wrote:
"When I heard the truth, I was surprised at the beginning,
because I was told by a government civil servant.
It seems the CCP is really finished; not only are the people
awakening, but even civil servants will no longer be deceived.
I am very pleased to have the opportunity
to withdraw from the CCP;
I hereby declare, I completely quit the evil CCP."
本文标签:中共, 中共邪党, 党, 天灭中共, 政府, 新唐人, 法轮大法, 真相, 退党, 邪党
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