

随着落马的贪腐官员级别越来越高,曝光出的贪污金额也越来越巨大,而中国 普通的老百姓的生活的又如何呢?从声明中,我们可以看到他们的呼声。


我们每天都在菜市场上辛勤地工作,可所挣的钱也只够养家餬口,为何生活在中国竟那么的艰难,收入的微薄与付出的辛苦竟不成比例,一制让我们生活的好苦,我们不要这个邪恶的组织,决不成为的殉葬品,退出中共,选择 光明!

杨俊达等 5人声明说:

共产从根上烂了。说是有医疗保险,我孙女四个月,脸上长了点溼疹,隔辈亲,想抱她到好一点医院看看,儿童医院挂号的队就排出几十米远,还绕几个弯儿。人家说看专家号人少,过去一看排队的人确实不多,一问,挂号费700元,还要交3000元押金,说是检查费,用不了还可以退,这哪是看病?就把孩子抱回家了。真是看不起病!人家给老百姓看病也没有这么收费的呀。中国的真是榨干了百姓的血汗钱了。我们村里当官的开会每人还发100块钱,哪是开会呀,纯粹是搂钱去了,还打得不可开交。每年他们不得捞几十万,都是我们的血汗钱。修炼祛病健身 做好 人多好啊,邪党还镇压迫害,真是要完蛋了。

Monday, Nov. 24

Quit CCP Update

With the increasing amount of official level corruption

what is life like for normal people in China?

Based on the statements, we can hear their voices.

Three people in Jiangsu Province said:

We work hard every day in the market and earn only enough

money to feed our families.

Why is it so hard to live in China? The low income is not

proportional to the hard work.

The single party system makes our life so hard.

We don’t need such an evil organization or

become the grave goods of the CCP.

We quit the CCP and choose a bright future!

Five people including Yang Junda said in the statement:

The evil Communist Party is rotten from the root.

I took my granddaughter who has eczema to see the doctor

and had to wait in a 10 meter long line.

I was told the expert number doesn’t need to wait and go to ask,

there is a 700 RMB registration fee and 3000 yuan deposit

with health insurance. We can’t afford it.

Taiwan People were not charged that much to see a doctor.

China’s corrupt officials really drained hard-earned money from


Our village officials also received 100 yuan per person for the

meeting, but still fought.

They can make hundreds of thousands each year; all of our

hard-earned money.

Falun Gong can make people healthy and good; but the evil

party also suppressed it.

The party will be dead.

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