
【禁闻】IBM在中国变了味 开除20名维权工人

全球电脑系统 整合服务公司〝IBM〞,发生在深圳工厂的维权 事件还在持续升级。目前IBM已开除了20名工人代表,有超过一半的工人决定离职,这也代表将有500多名工人选择 离开。此前,〝联想集团〞宣布收购IBM-X86伺服器业务,将接管IBM在深圳的伺服器工厂。就在交接过程中,引发了工人的罢工维权。








纽约的〝中国 劳工观察〞组织执行主任,向《电台》介绍说:〝工人罢工的主要原因是,他们认为联想在接管IBM在深圳的这家工厂后,为工人提供的工资待遇并不理想。此外,IBM在安排这些工人今后被联想接管后的各种安排,也并没有与工人协商。〞

据了解,今年2月27号〝联想集团〞宣布收购IBM-X86伺服器业务。此后,IBM公司向深圳工厂员工发出通知,要求员工需要在3月12号前做出决定,是辞职还是留下来成为〝联想集团〞的员工。但双方在离职补偿金问题 上发生争议。



深圳律师 邹兵表示,IBM采取这种极端的、开除带头人的方法,必然会导致打官司,那些500名离职的工人不满意补偿金,也可以通过打官司解决。

有网友起草了声援被IBM公司解职工友的公开信 。信中谴责了IBM公司独断蛮横的处事方式;还谴责了在工人维权后,资方一直回避工人的谈判请求,而用骚扰工人甚至威胁工人及家属的行为。







采访/熊斌 编辑/宋风 后制/孙宁

20 Worker Representatives at IBM in China Dismissed for Defending Workers Rights.

A workers strike at IBM in Shenzhen factory continues.

IBM has dismissed 20 workers’ representatives,

and more than half of the workers (more than

500) have decided to leave the Shenzhen factory.

Lenovo recently announced the acquisition of IBM’s

x86 server business, and IBM’s factory in Shenzhen.

IBM workers went on strike in an attempt

to defend their rights during the take-over.

IBM’s x86 server business in Shenzhen

announced that on March 10 and 11,

20 workers’ representatives were dismissed.

This was on the grounds that they violated labor discipline.

The dismissed workers will not receive any competion.

On the day that IBM posted the announcement,

hundreds of workers signed resignation forms.

As of March 12, 500 workers

have signed the resignation forms.

Mr. Jia, IBM worker, Shenzhen: “It is over

dissatisfaction. Most of them resigned.”

Mr. Jia also indicates that the majority of departing

workers were not satisfied with the compensation.

On March 12, IBM Shenzhen factory workers

collected signatures from 200 employees.

Elected representatives also delivered their demands to IBM.

These demands included restoring dismissed employees’

jobs, and consulting workers in any process of merging.

This was to ensure the best benefits for the employees.

Li Qiang, Executive Director of China Labor Watch, told

Radio Free Asia that the strike was because proposed

wages after the Lenovo takeover were not ideal.

In addition, during the takeover process,

IBM has not consulted with workers.

It is understood that Lenovo announced acquisition

of IBM’s x86 server business on February 27.

IBM also issued a notice to workers, that they needed

to make a decision by March 12, as to whether they

want to leave, or stay as an employee of Lenovo.

Compensation then became an issue in the process.

Since March 3, approximately one thousand

workers started protesting near the factory.

Zou Bing, Shenzhen lawyer: “This

controversy or dispute will need to be settled.

This will either by through compensation, explanation, or

judgment by the public or courts. IBM could compromise.

Both parties could negotiate for reasonable compensation.”

Shenzhen lawyer Zou Bing explains that IBM

took an extreme approach by dismissing workers.

It was inevitable that this action might meet with a lawsuit.

The 500 workers who have left the company

were not satisfied with the compensation.

They could seek legal procedure.

Some netizens drafted an open letter in

solidarity with the dismissed IBM workers.

It condemned IBM for barbaric arbitrariness,

neglecting workers’ negotiation requests,

and harassment of workers and their families.

It is also stated in the letter that IBM ignored

workers’ consistent work efforts over the years.

IBM also ignored the inseparable fact of the workers’

contribution to the $2.3 billion value of the factory.

Currently, an online real-name signature form

of people speaking out in support of the dismissed

IBM workers in Shenzhen has reached 439.

Financial Times reported that IBM Shenzhen factory

workers had complained that the All China Federation

of Trade Unions “had failed to protect their interests.”

Zhang Jian, expert on China social issues: “The

so-called ‘Unions’ in China are government-run.

They are similar to the Chinese Communist Party’s

congresses, as none of them were elected by the people.

Under this regime, none of the unions at the

company or factory represent worker’s benefits.

They represent the interest of the employers.”

In France, the nearly annual Air France

strike was initiated by the Unions.

The 2010 strikes by employees at Lufthansa, Air France

and British Airways were also initiated by the Unions.

In nearly all cases, without exception,

the employers had to compromise.

Zhang Jian points out that in China, the unions have become

an accomplice of employers, and part of the state machinery.

Chinese workers should organize their own unions with

their own electives, to represent their own interests.

Interview/Xiongbin Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/Sunning

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