中共〝两会〞开幕前夕,因参加〝新公民运动〞获罪的中国 公民许志永、丁家喜等人的辩护律师 ,以及关注这一案件的中国各界人士,联名致信〝两会〞全体人大代表,要求他们维护法治,责成有关部门纠正〝新公民案〞的错误判决。
3月2号,中国大陆 律师张庆方、程海等数十人,联名发布了一份〝请守住法治的底线——就新公民案致十二届全国人大全体代表的公开信 〞。
信中写道:我们是许志永、丁家喜、赵常青、李蔚、张宝成、马新立、宋泽、李刚、侯欣、袁冬、李焕君等十几名中国公民的辩护人,以及关心新公民案的国内知识界、企业界、新闻界 的人士。强烈要求全体人大代表,正视因新公民案突显出的中国公民宪法权利被粗暴打压,国内言论自由遭非法限制的事实,并在人大会上责成有关部门立即纠正其错误作法,以维护中国的法治建设成果,保障宪法和法律 的实施。
程海:〝有些人对这个东西很忌讳,然后就上升到刑法层面进行打击,实际上他们打击的是,破坏着国家的宪法,还有刑法的具体的实施。打击公民参与 政治的这种合法行为,所以122签署一个声明,呼吁人大代表的关注。〞
不过,对于人大是否能关注这起案件,张庆方律师表示,没有抱太大希望。早在10年前,就有中国学 者指出,〝人大〞和〝政协〞只是中共的〝橡皮图章〞,有名无实,不是真正代表人民的决策机构。
采访编辑/李韵 后制/陈建铭
Activists Call on Communist Regime to Correct Mistakes
A joint letter addressed to the Communist parliament meetings
was issued by activists, including lawyers defending New
Citizen Movement activists, Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi, and
people concerned about the case.
In the letter, they demanded the regime abide by the law and
correct the mistakes in the verdicts of the New Citizen
Movement case.
On March 2, a joint open letter to the 12th National People’s
Congress regarding the New Citizen Movement case entitled,
“Please hold on to the bottom line of law,”
was issued by dozens of Chinese citizens.
It stated: We are the defense attorneys of Chinese citizens
including Xu Zhiyong, Ding Jiaxi, Zhao Changqing…and
people from academia, industry, and the media,
who care about the New Citizen Movement case.
We strongly urge the entire congress to face the fact that the
constitutional rights of Chinese citizens have been brutally
suppressed and domestic freedom of expression unlawfully
restricted, and to demand the relevant departments to correct
mistakes in maintaining the rule of law in China and securing
the implementation of constitution and laws.
The letter concluded that the New Citizens Movement Case is
a typical case in China where people are indicted for words.
The verdict of Xu Zhiyong’s case is a charge out of nothing.
Attorney Cheng Hai indicates that the New Citizen Movement
itself in fact does not constitute a crime.
The movement was initiated to demand public disclosure of
official property and fair education.
Attorney Cheng Hai: “Our Constitution and the Education Act
provide that we have freedom of demonstration, and the
right to express views and ideas to the authorities.
Their behavior does not constitute a crime.”
Late last year, in the first instance of the New Citizen
Movement case, defendant Xu Zhiyong was sentenced to four
years in prison on crimes of gathering crowds to disturb
public order.
Beijing authorities claimed that Mr. Xu manipulated social
issues to organize multiple displays of banners at bustling
governmental and commercial areas.
Cheng Hai: “It is a taboo to some people, who would elevate it
to the level of criminal law.
In fact, what they have attacked and damaged is the Constitution,
the laws, and the political rights of citizens.
The open letter was written to draw the attention of the congress.”
Cheng Hai says the purpose of the letter is for the People’s
Congress to supervise Beijing’s public prosecutor to correct
the verdict and punish those who intentionally made the mistakes.
Law Professor, Zhang Zanning, Nanjing Southeast University,
indicates that the authorities have trampled its own constitution
and law, and violated the citizens’ rights to express opinion in
public places.
Zhang Zanning, Law Professor, Nanjing Southeast University:
“Xu Zhiyong’s sentence is a great shame to the judiciary system.
It expresses the fact that justice is walking backwards and the
legal system is just an empty word.
The fact that Communist law is obviously deceitful is fully
exposed to the world.”
The open letter also pointed out that the verdict found Xu
Zhiyong guilty of gathering crowds to disturb public order,
based on the five activities organized.
However, two of them were conducted after the Minister of
Education Yuan Guiren publicly declared the policy
of allowing local education rights to migrant workers’ children.
During the two activities, the police did not deal with any of
the parents, and Xu Zhiyong did not make it to the scene.
However, the authorities convicted Xu Zhiyong six months later.
The open letter stated that the crackdown on freedom of speech
has caused their concern about the rule of law in China.
It also addressed that three other activities were organized and
conducted to promote the official property declaration
previously introduced by National People’s Congress for the
purpose of anti-corruption.
Zhang Qingfang, Xu Zhiyong’s defense attorney:
“We hope that Congress will perhaps initiate a proposal to
correct the case verdict.
As the representatives of the people, they should be the
guardian of law to ensure respect for the Constitution and
the implementation of law and order.”
However, attorney Zhang Qingfang also expresses that he does
not hold much hope towards the Congress.
As recently as 10 years ago, Chinese scholars pointed out
that the National People’s Congress and the Political Consultative
Conference are merely rubber stamps of the Chinese
Communist Party.
They are not the policy making body,
nor do they represent the people.
Interview & Edit/Liyun Post-Production/Chengjianmin
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:丁家喜, 两会, 中共, 人大代表, 大陆律师, 宪法, 律师, 政府, 政治, 新唐人, 民运, 法制, 法律, 法治, 腐败, 自由, 袁贵仁, 言论自由, 许志永
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