在调查中共前政治局常委周永康的〝二号专案〞之外,还有个〝一号专案〞,〝一号专案〞调查对像是江泽民集团的〝幕后军师〞——中共前国家副主席曾庆红。这个消息引爆了舆论。那么,为什么中共在双规了中共前政治局常委周永康之后,还要剑指曾庆红?为什么时政 分析人士一致看衰曾庆红,认为他必然会被打倒呢?请看详细报导。
香港《开放》杂志2月号封面文章 报导,中共中纪委〝一号专案〞,调查的对像是曾庆红。
2012年,薄熙来和王立军事件,把中共高层 谋杀、贪腐、淫乱和活摘器官等内幕 ,曝光在全世界面前。去年薄熙来被判无期徒刑后,公众的注意力落到曾力挺薄熙来的周永康身上。今年初,周永康被证实已经遭软禁,正在接受双规调查。
旅美时事评论员李善鉴分析,这和曾庆红、周永康、以及薄熙来等江派人物的政治联盟 有关。
2012年,美国《华盛顿自由灯塔》网站 报导,王立军在美国驻成都领事馆披露,薄熙来和周永康密谋政变,江派首先计划让薄熙来进入政治局常委,担任政法委书记,两年后再逼退习近平取而代之。
旅美时事评论员李善鉴:〝这个政变的事情他处理不了的话,他自己也不可能在中共的黑帮里面生存。可是他面对的不仅仅是薄熙来或是周永康这两个人而已。实际上是整个江、曾、周的一个政治联盟,而曾实际上是这个势力的领军人 物,江现在能够残喘几天都很难讲了。〞
曾庆红和周永康,在中国 被公认为是垄断石油领域的〝帮主〞,而周永康在曾庆红退位之后,已成为〝石油帮〞老大。
据报导,周永康能进入政治局升任常委和政法委书记,是曾庆红的权谋、江泽民的布局。因为他们看中了周永康在出任四川省委书记和公安部长时,残酷镇压法轮功学员和其他维权 民众的手段。
李善鉴:〝一方面,他不能够树立自己的威信;另一方面他随时可能被这个势力反咬一口、搞掉,甚至把命搭上,所以说,他是绝对不可能在打掉周之后就收手的。他必须要把制造政变的势力彻底的处理掉。这是一个很主要的问题 。〞
时事评论员蓝述分析,周永康、曾庆红、和江泽民等人,因为政治上迫害法轮功 ,而形成了一个犯罪同盟。
去年年底,欧洲议会、美国国会、联合国及人权组织广泛发声,要求制止中共活体摘取法轮功 学员器官。
蓝述认为,活摘器官的真相在国际上曝光,给中共带来强大压力。为保全中共政权,现任领导层将上一届政法系统 的头子抛出,可是,仍无法摆平事端。
采访编辑/唐音 后制/君卓
Zeng Qinghong Is Said to Be Investigated
While Zhou Yongkang is being investigated, Zeng Qinghong,
former Chinese Vice President, is said to be targeted as well.
Zeng Qinghong is known as the behind the scenes consigliere
of the Jiang faction.
Why is Zeng Qinghong targeted?
Our commentators believe Zeng Qinghong will be sacked.
Here is our report.
Hong Kong’s Open Magazine February cover article reported
that the CPC Central Commission for Discipline’s Project One
is targeting Zeng Qinghong.
In 2012, the cases of Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun exposed the
murder, corruption, immorality, and live organ harvesting of
the Chinese Communist Part (CCP).
After Bo Xilai’s life sentence last year, attention was drawn
to Zhou Yongkang, once a firm supporter of Bo Xilai.
Earlier this year, Zhou Yongkang was put under house
arrest to be investigated.
Why would the CCP initiate the so-called Project One on
Zeng Qinghong after Zhou Yongkang was investigated?
Commentator Li Shanjian analyzes that it is due to the
political alliances between Zeng Qinghong, Zhou Yongkang,
and Bo Xilai.
In 2012, it was reported by freebeacon.com that Wang Lijun
disclosed to the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu the coup plan
between Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang.
Jiang’s faction had planned to have Bo enter the Politburo
Standing Committee at first, and then replace Xi Jinping two
years later.
Li Shanjian, commentator: “This coup plan has to be dealt
with in order to secure the Communist leadership.
It is not just about Bo Xilai or Zhou Yongkang, but the
political alliances of Jiang, Zeng and Zhou.
Zeng Qinghong was once the leader of the force.
Jiang’s days are numbered.”
Zeng Qinghong and Zhou Yongkang were recognized as the
leaders of China’s oil monopoly.
Zhou Yongkang became the boss of the Oil Gang after
Zeng Qinghong retired.
It was said that Zhou Yongkang was promoted to the Politburo
Standing Committee, and the secretary of the politics and law
Commission because of Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Zemin.
They had recognized Zhou Yongkang’s capability during his
post as the party secretary and Minister of Public Security of
Sichuan for the brutal repression of Falun Gong practitioners
and other rights defenders.
Li Shanjian believes that such a political and economic alliance
is a dangerous threat to the regime.
Li Shanjian: “On the one hand, it is hard to establish its own
credibility; on the other hand, this alliance can bite at any
time, and even kill its authority.
Therefore, the leadership can not break lose after Zhou
Yongkang is defeated.
They must eliminate the entire force behind the coup.
It is the major priority.”
Commentator Lan Su analyzes the persecution of Falun Gong
has made Zhou Yongkang, Zeng Qinghong, and Jiang Zemin
an alliance of criminals.
Late last year, the European Parliament, the U.S. Congress,
the United Nations and human rights organizations have all
asked the CCP to stop the live organ harvesting from
Falun Gong practitioners.
Lan Su believes that the international exposure of live organ
harvesting has put strong pressure on the CCP.
To secure the CCP even though the current leadership
abandoned former heads of the political and law system,
they still could not settle the issue.
Lan Su: “The most fundamental issue of live organ harvesting
is not what the political and law system and Zhou Yongkang
can afford.
This major serious national crime involves the entire country
such as the health department, customs, military, armed police.
Zhou Yongkang can not carry the burden himself.
Many more people are needed to carry the burden.”
Just recently when Zhou Yongkang was detained and
interrogated, foreign media exposed the offshore accounts of
the six most influential regime officials.
Lan Su believes this is simply a ploy of the Jiang faction to
evade responsibility.
Lan Su: “In these circumstances, both the fifth generation of
the leadership and the Jiang faction have reached a dead end.
The leaders are forced to turn to Zeng Qinghong, while Zeng
Qinghong and Jiang Zemin will also make every effort
to counterattack, since there’s no alternative.”
Last October 15, at the commemoration of Xi Jinping’s
father, Xi Zhongxun’s death day, only Bo’s and Zeng’s
family were absent among the high officials.
On January 9, at Hong Kong’s Sir Run Run Shaw’s funeral,
Zeng Qinghong once in charge of Hong Kong and Macao
for more than a decade was also absent.
China affair expert Shi Zangshan indicates Zeng Qinghong’s
absence suggests that he could be under investigation.
Interview、Edit/Tangyin Post-Production/
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:《开放》, 《开放》杂志, 一号专案, 一号专案组, 中共, 中共政权, 中国问题专家, 中纪委, 习仲勋, 习近平, 二号专案, 人权, 人权组织, 公安部, 军人, 副总理, 华府, 华盛顿自由灯塔, 周永康, 周永康被双规, 国会, 国家副主席, 外媒, 总理, 政变, 政权, 政治, 政治局常委, 政法委, 政法委书记, 新唐人, 曾庆红, 欧洲, 江泽民, 江派, 江系, 法轮功, 活摘器官, 海外媒体, 王立军, 王立军事件, 省委书记, 真相, 石藏山, 美国, 美国国会, 联盟, 自由, 薄一波, 薄熙来, 镇压法轮功, 香港
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