日前,中国 新疆喀甚地区疏附县发生警民冲突事件,导致16人死亡 ,官方将事件定性为〝暴力恐怖袭击〞。不过,〝世界维吾尔大会〞24号发表公告指出,冲突事件发生时,一家维族人正在举办婚礼,死亡的16人中,有6人是妇女。因此,中共提出的〝暴力恐怖袭击〞由何而来,令人质疑。经媒体确认,事件是由当地警察试图揭开维族妇女的头巾,而引发冲突。
迪里夏提向台湾《中央社》表示,〝天安门 撞车事件〞后,中共当局加强对维族人的控制,许多维族人已到了承受的极限,现在任何挑衅,都会引爆新的冲突。
李一平:〝中共已经把仇恨的种子埋下去了,我们怎么样来化解这些仇恨。在新疆地区的汉族朋友,能不能和周围少数民族的朋友进行一些沟通交流 。而不是说跟中共一样,跟少数民族断绝来往,甚至对他们进行歧视、进行羞辱,传播关于少数民族的谣言。〞
10月31号,瑞士《新苏黎世报》一篇署名文章 指出,中共当局至今对新疆暴力事件的回应措施只有两个:一是推进汉人迁移及开发,一是加强压迫。然而,因为缺乏信任、尊重和政治远见,这些措施使得新疆局势更为严峻。
采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/陈建铭
Deadly Xinjiang clash occurs as the police harass Uyghur women
Conflicts occurred in Kashgar, Xinjiang that have claimed 16 lives.
The government said it was a terrorist attack on the police.
However, the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) issued a statement
on Dec. 24 saying the conflict occurred during the wedding of a
Uighur family.
Among the 16 killed were six women.
The official claim of violence has been questioned.
Media have confirmed that the conflict broke out as the local
police were trying to unveil the Uighur women.
This new terrorist attack reported by the Communist regime
took place on Dec. 15.
According to the report by Tianshannet News Portal, which is run
by the Xinjiang government, police were attacked during the night of
Dec. 15 while attempting to detain criminal suspects in Shufu County.
The report claimed that several thugs attacked the police with
explosive devices and knives. Two police officers were killed,
14 thugs were shot dead and two criminal suspects were detained.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said
at a press conference that the terrorists attacked law enforcement
officers with explosive devices, without specifying the identity
of the attackers.
Tianshannet reported that this was an organized and premeditated
terrorist attack.
However, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported that according
to the World Uyghur Congress, the violence claimed 16 lives
including six women and took place at a house with an extended
family that gathered for a wedding.
WUC report also confirmed what one resident told Radio Free
Asia that the local police chief “triggered the incident by lifting
the veil of a woman during the raid on the house”.
Dilshat Reshit, a spokesman for the Munich-based World
Uyghur Congress, told Voice of America that the police had
broken into a house where members of the ethnic minority were
Among the ones who were shot by the police were two teenagers.
Dilshat Reshit said that the Communist regime’s policy in
Xinjiang is to kill first and then sling unilateral allegations.
Li Yiping, commentator: “The Communist regime rules with
lies and violence against not just the Hans, but also the minorities.
In particular in Xinjiang and Tibet, their means have accelerated
to the extreme.”
Tianshannet reported on Dec. 16, that another episode of violence
had also taken place in Kashgar, with nine axe-wielding assailants
attacking Siriqbuya police station.
The nine suspects were shot dead, two auxiliary police officers
died, and another two policemen were injured.
The WUC noted that those so-called assailants were actually
protesting against governmental policy.
Dilshat Reshit said the armed police used electric batons to beat
Uyghurs, who went to protest at the police station.
The clash erupted after a Uyghur youth was shot dead.
After the protestors were shot dead, more than 30 Uyghur
protesters were also arrested.
In recent years, violent clashes have occurred frequently in
Xinjiang. This year, it has escalated further.
On Oct. 28, after an attack in Tiananmen Square by three
Xinjiang Uyghurs which killed two people and injured 40,
Communist officials claimed that the attack was supported by
foreign terrorist groups.
This has caused widespread speculation in international circles.
Dilshat Reshit told Taiwan based Central News Agency that
since the crash in Tiananmen Square, the Communist regime
has further intensified the suppression of the Uyghurs.
The tension is so high that a new conflict can erupt at any time.
Li Yiping: “The CCP has planted the seeds of hatred.
How can we resolve all this hatred?
The Hans in Xinjiang need to communicate with those minorities,
not to cut off, discriminate, humiliate, or even spread rumors
about the minorities like the regime does.”
In an Oct. 31 article in the Swiss newspaper, New Journal of
Zurich, it stated that, the Chinese leadership has so far
responded to the riots with only two recipes:
more accelerated development with Han Chinese immigration
and more repression.
But because there is a lack of trust, respect and political insight,
these are the most reliable instruments to stir up tensions even further.
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:中共, 中央社, 亚洲, 台湾, 多维, 天安门, 天安门撞车, 德国, 政府, 政治, 新唐人, 法国, 维族男子, 美国, 美国之音, 自由, 自由亚洲, 自由亚洲电台, 西藏, 警察
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