
【禁闻】不动产统一登记 谁的噩梦?

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2013年11月25日讯】最近,大陆 不动产统一登记制度成了各方议论的焦点,有专家分析,不动产统一登记制度一旦实施将会有效抑制房价;另有外媒认为,会因不动产统一登记而惊慌恐惧;中共官媒则声称,制度出台将有利于征税和反腐。但人们坦言:对出台的任何所谓〝良策〞都已不抱期望。


尽管官媒和某些专家一再宣传不动产登记政策好处多多,不但可以调控房价,又能成为反腐利器,还有助于未来 房地产税、遗产税的全面征收等,但网民的反应却狠狠的泼了当局一头冷水。民众认为,中共空谈误国、作秀、雷声大雨点小、骗人的把戏等。

大部分的观点认为,新政在权贵既得利益集团阻挠下,或是不了了之,百姓空欢喜一场,或是用一个拖字诀,给贪官们足够的时间把财产 〝漂白〞,或是采取各种规避对策,但绝不可能对自己下手。

南卡罗莱纳大学艾肯商学院教授谢田:〝我们也知道,中共官员向来上有政策,下有对策,可以有至高无上的权力,高于法律 的权力,同时总是有办法作些手脚,想办法来欺骗、来蒙哄过关。所以如果中共专制的问题 不解决的话,这个东西是肯定根本上没办法真正实行下去的。〞



北京《》转述ilterziario网站 文章 —-《中国 的全国不动产登记制度将吓坏贪官》。文中指出,大陆许多贪腐现象,都与价格过高且藏污纳垢的房地产市场密切相关,但由于旧不动产登记系统 的各自为政,使得当局对非法持有多套房产的官员束手无策。






采访编辑/张天宇 后制/葛雷

Could Unified Real Estate Registration Become A Nightmare?

China has recently created a

unified real estate registration system.

Analysts believe that this policy

will effectively curb property prices.

International media suggest this system

will make corrupt officials cautious.

Chinese state-controlled media report that the

registry will lead to tax levies, and fight corruption.

There are others who say that they don’t hold

out much hope towards the regimes policy.

State-controlled media reported on a unified real

estate registration system that was decided at an

executive meeting of the State Council on November 20.

Property, such as land, housing, grasslands,

woodlands, and water bodies, were formerly

under various government agencies.

These agencies included Housing, Land,

Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Oceans.

Property will now be registered and supervised

by the Ministry of Land and Resources.

There will be a public inquiry system, in which

real estate approval, tractions and registration

information can be shared by different agencies.

Following the release of this news,

there has been a lot of discussion.

Opposing opinions could be seen in a comparison

between Chinese state media and internet users.

State media and some experts praised the plan.

It was said that it will control market prices,

fight corruption, and lead to future tax levies.

Internet users had a different voice.

They criticized the Communist regime, feeling

that it is just more empty talk to decieve people.

They said that the new leadership will do nothing in the end,

due to opposition from powerful groups with vested interests.

People will get nothing out of the new policy, but corrupt

officials will have plenty of time to escape from the policy.

Xie Tian, professor of School of Business, University

of South Carolina Aiken: “We have known that the

regime’s officials are capable of dealing with any policy.

This is because of their power that is

above the law, and their deceptive tactics.

Without resolving the problem of dictatorship,

there can be no way to implement any policy.”

Property Law became effective in 2007.

It clearly stated a unified registration system for property.

This has never been implemented during the past six years.

There is resistance and rejection from various agencies,

groups with vested interests, and local governments.

Xie Tian: “I think this policy basically confirms that

the Communist regime dare not and cannot do it.

Almost every Communist official is corrupt.

The public exposure of the officials’

property will expose their crimes.

It could immediately shake the

ruling of the Communist regime.”

State-controlled media ‘Global Times’, quoted an

article from Italy’s ‘Il Terziario’, entitled “China’s National

Property Registration to Spook Corrupt Officials.”

The article argued that the Communist regime has

lost its control in overpriced and murky real estate.

The fragmented registration agencies face

strong resistance from government officials.

The article stated that the new policy is expected

to create great consternation among corrupt officials.

However, internet users indicate that the foreign media

has underestimated the loopholes in the Communist system.

Corrupt officials are very skillful.

They will not be frightened, and they will find

new loopholes to be able to collect their wealth.

Xie Tian: “Many things that seem ordinary in a normal

society will get distorted in the Communist regime.

It’s foreseeable that the implementation

of this policy will not reach its actual goal.”

Some people suspect the real estate registration system

is to develop a comprehensive real estate tax levy.

The end purpose is to exploit the people.

Xie Tian: “If the tax rates are high, it will have a big impact,

even upon ordinary people who have just one house.

Those who do not own a house will pay higher

rent, transferred to them by their landlords rates.

In this case, it is also a burden.”

According to reports, the effective date

for the policy is yet to be determined.

There is also lack of clarity about

the timetable for unified registration.

A satirical comment from an internet user says that they

hope the policy will be implemented while they are still alive.

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/GeLei

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