
【禁闻】柏林墙倒塌日 中共三中全会开幕

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【新唐人2013年11月11日讯】9号,中共十八届三中全会在北京拉开帷幕。伴随着场外的风声鹤唳、草木皆兵,中共高层 各派关于所谓方案的廝杀也进入白热化。另外,巧合的是,11月9号又是前东德柏林围墙倒塌的纪念日,这似乎预示着:中共所打的〝改革牌〞早已失灵,危机四伏的中共已经走到了解体的边缘。



据了解,这次会议的主要议程是:中共政治局换届一年来的工作报告,另出台所谓的深化改革方案。在此之前的两个月,官媒高调宣传,三中全会将涉及全面深化改革等重大问题 ,并号称这次改革将〝前所未有〞。不过,国际社会和大陆 民众普遍对此反应冷淡,不再对中共所谓的改革抱有幻想。

时事评论员夏小强:〝中共维持权力和统治的一个‘绝招’,就是在遇到重大的执政危机时,会祭出‘改革’或者是‘平反 ’之类的措施,来欺骗民众,继续维持统治。〞

旅居中国 社会问题研究人士张健也表示,中共在三中全会上推出的改革措施和以前一样,都是要维护中共自身的统治和利益,而不是真正为老百姓着想。

国社会问题研究人士张健:〝所以它的改革可以说是无效的。都是会给中华民族增加更多的伤痛,(中共)在未来 会得到更多的清算。〞

1999年,中共前总书记江泽民一意孤行,发动对法轮功 修炼团体的残酷迫害,彻底摧毁了中国的道德基础与环境。江泽民下台后,为避免所欠血债被清算、延续迫害政策,因此企图阴谋发动,计划利用前重庆市委书记薄熙来取代最高领导人习近平,执掌最高权力。

中共十八大之后,中共新领导人习近平、上台主导中共政局。面对空前危机,习、李不得不对中共现有的司法、金融等体制做出调整,但这都不可避免的触动到的最核心利益。习、李阵营与之间的拚死搏击日趋激烈,这其中,对法轮功的迫害问题更成为中共高层 无法避开的关卡。


巧合的是,中共三中全会的开幕日恰恰是东德柏林墙倒塌日。 1961年,东德建立长达155公里的围墙,阻挡民众投奔自由国度。1989年 11月9号,在民众的强大压力之下,柏林墙被迫开放,后被拆除。

夏小强:〝中共三中全会的召开日期11月9日,和东德柏林墙倒塌的日期相同,我觉得不仅仅是巧合,这也显示了一种天意。更为重要的是,国际社会和中国民众应该为中共的即将倒台做好 准备,为中国如何和平过渡到一个没有中共的新的中国开始筹划。〞


采访/常春 编辑/李谦 后制/李智远

Curtain of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CCP Committee Rose on the Day Berlin Wall Collapsed

Nov. 9th was the opening day of the party’s Third Plenary

Session of the 18th CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Committee.

It seems that the party mistakes

every bush and tree for an enemy.

The fighting among different party factions over the so-called

“reform” has become white-hot.

Coincidently, Nov. 9 was the day the Berlin Wall

collapsed years ago.

Such a coincidence indicates that the party,

surrounded with all kinds of crisis, is about to fall apart.

Its “trump card of reform” became functionless

a long time ago.

Several explosions took place in Beijing and Taiyuan

close to the opening of the Third Plenary Session

of the 18th CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Committee,

which has shocked senior CCP leadership.

The political turmoil has severely panicked the party.

Defenses have been set up on the periphery of Beijing,

including Tian Jin and Hebei Province, carefully

investigating vehicles flowing into Beijing.

The conference is taking place at West Beijing Hotel

on Changan Street.

The site is full of tension.

Many uniformed as well as undercover officers examine

and interrogate passersby,

and special security vehicles stop nearby.

At subway entrances and bus stops, police

spot check people’s citizen IDs.

Neighboring residents said that the party’s safety checks

escalated this year.

It is said that the conference’s main agenda is about

the current CCP Political Bureau government work report

and the discussion of the so called “scheme

of deepening reform.”

Two months earlier, state-run media declared, in high profile

fashion, that the Third Plenary Session will touch upon

the important issues of a complete and deepening reform,

saying that the reform will be unprecedented.

Nevertheless, both international communities

and Chinese people showed no interest because

no one would hold any illusion toward the CCP’s

“reform” anymore.

Politics Commentator Xi Xiaoqiang: “‘reform’

or ‘redressing the injustice’ is the party’s trump card.

Whenever its ruling power gets endangered, it’ll play

this card to fool people and thus maintain its governance. ”

Zhang Jian, scholar of social issues in China, also stated

that the reform policies that the party promoted

in the Third Plenary Session are nothing new.

The party always tries to protect its own interest

and to maintain its ruling power.

It would never do anything for the sake of ordinary people.

Zhang Jian: ”The party’s reform is not effective at all,

but only causes more pain to Chinese people.

Justice will be served in the future.”

In 1999, Jian Zemin began the brutal persecution

of Falun Gong practitioners in disregard of public opinion,

which has totally ruined the standard of morality

and legal environment in China.

After Jiang Zemin stepped down, in order to continue

the persecution and to escape the long arm of the law,

Jiang’s faction has planned a political plot, aiming to seize

the highest power by replacing Xi Jinping with Bo Xilai.

The party’s new leadership Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang

took office after the 18th National Congress.

Facing the unprecedented crisis, Xi and Li have to adjust

the current judiciary and financial system.

However, nothing can be done without touching upon

the core interest of Jiang’s faction.

Therefore, the fighting between theXi/Li and Jiang faction

is escalating.

During the process, the persecution of Falun Gong

has become a critical point that cannot be avoided.

Xi Xiaoqiang: “If the persecution of Falun Gong

cannot be redressed, there is no way that Chinese society

can get on the right track.

And, the social, political and economic crisis will erupt.

The party’s power division and confrontation will get more

and more severe and the party will collapse anytime.”

Coincidentally, the Third Plenary Session began

on the same day the Berlin Wall collapsed.

In 1961, East Germany built a border wall as long as 155km

between West Berlin and East Germany

to prevent people from running to Western Germany.

On November 9, 1989, with huge pressure from people,

the Berlin Wall was opened and later demolished.

Xia Xiaoqing: “The day that the Third Plenary Session

commenced is exactly the same day that the Berlin Wall

was demolished.

I think it’s not only a coincidence but also God’s will.

But what’s more important is that the international

community and Chinese people get ready for the CCP’s collapse.

We should start planning for a peaceful transition

to a new China without the communist party.”

It’s reported that two more explosions took place

in Jiangsu and Anhui on the first of the Third Plenary Session.

In Jiang Zemin’s hometown, Yangzhou, Jiangsu province,

an electricity-driven cruise exploded all of sudden.

Four people exploded into pieces and the scene

was too horrible to look at.

In addition, a residential building caught on fire

in the District of Qianshuiwan, Hefei, Anhui,

and the number of casualties is unknown.

NTDTV Reporter Chang Chun

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