

近期,中国 大陆民间融资风险集中爆发。随着各地民间借贷和投资担保公司频频倒闭,这个〝始于全民放贷高息狂欢,崩于借款企业资金链断裂 ,终至‘全民讨债’〞的一幕,正在各地上演。除了暗中流淌的百亿资金,更多的是债权人的无尽担忧和悔恨泪水。



另外,《中国网站 报导,四川鑫众伟业投资管理有限公司在12月宣称,项目方资金链断裂,无法支付本息,涉及金额也超过7000万元。

18号,该网站还刊登了四川鑫众全体债权人的求救信,指责四川当局推卸责任、封锁消息,不向受害人通报案情,导致老百姓讨债无门、维权 无门,陷入极大的茫然和惶恐中。





北京国情内参首席研究员、中国金融智库研究员:〝中国的这种个人担保公司,它的风险大还有一个问题 ,我一直在强调的资源。比如某一个市长,某一个县长或某一个副市长是个贪官,贪官被抓了以后,他留下的黑洞没有人能填的上来。〞


海外 财经分析人士古春秋也向媒体指出,中国的经济秩序混乱,担保公司背后一般是房地产公司,而房地产公司的背后可能是当地政府,这是官商勾结的基本套路。


《纽约时报》通过其中一名受害人王女士得知,中共当局已经将曾经前往邯郸市政府〝上访 〞,寻求帮助的大批受害者,视为重点维稳对像并严密监控,投资人组成的QQ群中也有当局的卧底。


杰森?马:〝如果这个政府是对老百姓负责,它应该出台相应的监管借贷的双方。同时有这样的案例出来的话,应该有统一的报导使老百姓充份理解这个事情的风险。但是中国不管从哪个角度,维稳、维持整个社会的经济发展 秩序各方面,它采用了政府不管,媒体不报。〞


《福布斯中文网 》上的一篇评论文章 也提醒,智者始而愚者终,5年前的放贷者可能是最精明的商人,而现在的放贷者可能成为庞氏骗局最后一棒的接棒者。

采访/易如、陈汉 编辑/飞 后制/萧宇

Army Newspaper: Tiger Behind Zhou Yongkang will be Hunted Down

After the downfall of Xu Caihou and other former military "tigers",

the CCP's "tiger hunting" spread to all military academies,

Xi Jinping's faction has taken more intensive action against

Jiang Zemin's faction.

Recently, the CCP army newspaper published a

commentary article, believed to be a strong sign

of the clash between the two factions.

On 17 Dec, the CCP "People's Liberation Army Daily"

published a commentary article titled

"Anti-corruption is a battle of life and death and can not

be lost".

The article analyzed and refuted two points of view,

"Anti-corruption will lose people's support" and

"Can anti-corruption be continued".

It claimed that "It should end here" is just an illusion,

“have a tiger by the tail” is a misjudgment.

The article uses many harsh phrases such as "will not be

tolerated" and "eliminate all evilness" to respond to

the doubts of "whether anti-corruption can be continued".

It also highlighted, "Even big 'tigers' such as Zhou Yongkang,

and Xu Caihou have been hunted down, nobody will be spared."

It makes the outside world really wonder who the

army newspaper is referring to.

Some people believe that it may be Xi Jinping's biggest

rival in the faction clash, Jiang Zemin.

Affairs commentator, Xia Xiaoqiang: "After the Fourth

Plenary Session, Xi Jinping accelerated the crackdown on

the Jiang faction."

"Especially after the announcement of the arrest of Xu Caihou

and Zhou Yongkang, the army newspaper

continuously published articles, with Xu Caihou upgraded from

"traitor" to "national demon".

"Army newspaper's tone has been rising, even the

'big tigers' are hunted down, who else can be spared?"

"This sends a clear message, both Xu Caihou and Zhou

Yongkang are 'big tigers', and they are supported by

Jiang Zemin, such an argument points directly to Jiang."

Another speculation is that the article is alluding to another

General of the Jiang faction, Guo Boxiong,

who is a former vice chairman of Central Military Commission.

Overseas media observed that the credible Weixin account of

"Political Observer" had reports on Guo Boxiong.

The "Phoenix Weekly" recently had a report that revealed

the inside story of Gu Junshan's corruption, it indirectly

mentioned that Guo Boxiong may be involved.

So it is natural for the outside world to relate the article

in the "People's Liberation Army Daily" to Guo Bixong.

In addition, the article also pointed out "the confrontation

of corruption and anti-corruption was at stalemate",

it has reached a critical time and juncture that determines

success or failure.

Deepening anti-corruption will inevitably encounter

various obstructions and rebounds.

However, the article highlighted "there is no turning back",

and this is a "desperate battle".

In this regard, analysts believe that this article conveys the

attitude of Xi Jinping, categorically denying the possibility of

compromise in this power struggle.

Xia Xiaoqiang: "The army newspaper uses such clear and

strong words now, it releases two messages."

"One is Xi Jinping has encountered resistance from Jiang

faction after the downfall of Zhou Yongkang and Xu Caihou,

hence the article stated 'we can not back down or lose

in this desperate battle'."

"The other is, Xi Jinping has sent a signal of the final decisive

showdown to the Jiang faction, via the army newspaper articles,

he also uses the military to warn and deter Jiang Zemin.

Since the CCP 18th National Congress, Xi Jinping took a series

of actions in national defense and military construction,

and quickly gained control of the military.

Then began the large scale "anti-corruption" operation.

Therefore, it is believed that the military is the backup force

of Xi Jinping's "anti-corruption" and "tiger hunting", as well as

an important force in eliminating the Jiang faction.

Some analysts believe, the army newspaper voice for

Xi Jinping with such a clear stand, proves Xi's control over

the military is quite secure.

Xia Xiaoqiang: "After Jiang Zemin obtained supreme

power in the CCP after the June Fourth Incident,

he began to 'turn left', and changed Deng Xiaoping's

Chinese economic reform policy."

"On Jan. 1992, Deng Xiaoping began his southern tour, and

warned Jiang Zemin 'people who stop reform would

be stepped down'."

"As Deng controlled the actual military power, the military

newspaper immediately issued the editorial

'escorting Chinese economic reform', and Jiang Zemin

immediately changed his attitude."

Insiders have revealed to the media, that the military

is the key to whether anti-corruption can continue.

So, "tiger hunting" in the military became the most important

fight in the desperate battle between Xi and Jiang factions.

In Nov. this year, during Xi Jinping's state visit to Australia,

New Zealand and Fiji, it is reported that at least

eight generals in the CCP military were arrested.

Subsequently, it is reported that Major General Song Yuwen,

deputy political commissar of Jilin Military, and

Mafa Xiang, deputy political commissar of the Navy,

committed suicide.

Recently, the "anti-corruption" operation has spread to all

military academies.

After the Vice President of Nanjing Institute of Politics,

Dai Weimin was taken in for questioning,

the newly appointed director of the political department,

Colonel Ma Xiangdong shared the same fate in early Dec.

Earlier, Major General Gao Xiaoyan, the Political Commissar

and Discipline Inspection Secretary of the PLA Information

Engineering University had also been taken in for questioning.

She became the first female general to be investigated after

the 18th National Congress.

Those actions were regarded as the proof that

Xi Jinping is eliminating the last remnants of Jiang Zemin

in the military."

Interview/yiru Edit/zhangtianyu Post-Production/xiaoyu

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