
【禁闻】630人联署 吁推〝大病免费医疗〞

近来,一批中国 大陆民众自发地联络起来签署一份呼吁书,倡导和提请国家卫生和计划生育委员会,在中国建立和推行全民〝大病免费医疗〞制度。呼吁书说,〝大病免费〞计划必须覆盖每一个国人,而且全部费用都必须由与社会保险承担。他们能否成功呢?一起来看看。



呼吁书提到,实际上,目前世界上实行免费医疗的国家并不少。发达国家中,、丹麦、瑞典、都是全民免费医疗。与中国同为金砖四国的、印度、巴西也都实行了免费医疗。 其他发展中 国家,比如古巴、智利等也都实行了全民免费医疗。

但是反观中国,不但没有全民免费医疗制度,公立医院还成为了〝发财致富〞的产业,甚至成为〝暴利行业〞。而且,政府在低投入的同时,还存在着分配不公的问题 。呼吁书提到,有数据显示,中共投入的卫生经费中,大部分用在几百万政领导干部身上了。因此,底层民众〝大病等死〞的现象,已经成为严重的社会隐患。


一位参与 联署的,向《》记者表示,她带母亲到医院看病时,对很多病患没钱医病的惨况深有感触。

北京维权 人士野靖环:〝经常看到很多人,就放弃了就不治疗了,就回家等死,真的是很多。有一些病就觉得你稍微有点钱就能治好的,可是他们就,就确实是不再治了。所以很难受啊,就如果因为贫困而没有钱去治病,这人,一个生命就没有了,我觉得特别悲哀。〞





旅美政治评论家陈破空 ,早在2006年就曾发文批评,中共对公共医疗卫生的轻视,说得深一些,是为了确保权力集团既得利益;说的浅一些,是渎职。也就是说,中共对中国人民犯下了渎职罪!


参与联署的成都维权人士陈云飞:〝它所说为人民服务 ,而不是骑在老百姓身上,它就应该这么做。如果不那么做,确实人民到了无法生存的地步,那只有推翻它。〞




采访田净 编辑王子琦 后制

Recently, a number of Chinese residents voluntarily came

together to sign a letter to the Chinese Communist Party's

(CCP) National Health and Family Planning Commission,

asking them to establish and implement a plan for providing

free medical care for residents with serious illnesses in China.

The letter asks for free medical care to cover everyone, and

all cost to be covered by the government and social insurance. \

Will this appeal succeed?

"Everyone is Equal in their Right to Life and Health!"

A petition letter published on an overseas Chinese website

says a Free Medical Care for Serious Illness Plan was applied

in Shenmu County, Shaanxi Province in March, 2009,

and promoters hope to replicate the system throughout China.

The medical plan says a treatment costing over 400 yuan

is regarded as serious and should be covered by the plan;

the cost being paid by the government and social insurance,

up to an annual sum of 300,000 yuan.

The letter states that countries such as the United Kingdom,

Denmark, Sweden and Canada, plus BRIC countries such as

Russia, India and Brazil all provide free medical care,

and Cuba and Chile have also done the same.

China not only has no free health care system; its public

hospitals have become a high-profit, money-making industry.

On top of that, the government's minimal funding is unfairly

distributed, mostly allocated to the millions of CCP members

and government officials, says the letter, creating a hidden,

serious social problem, leaving people with a low income

and serious illnesses no option but to wait for death.

The deadline of the appeal November 30.

There are already four batches of signers, a total of 630 people.

Beijing activist, Ye Jinghuan who signed the letter, told NTD

that she feels for those who do not have money for treatment;

she saw such people when she took her mother to the hospital.

Ye Jinghuan: “I see a lot of people who give up treatment

and go home to die, a lot of them; I'm very sad that lives are

lost because of lack of money.”

Ye Jinghuan believes the authorities are fully capable

of providing free health care nation-wide.

Ye Jinghuan: “China has the economic strength to do it;

it was said yesterday that its economy is second worldwide.”

“So why is China behind in terms of health care, even

compared to a country rated at number 100 economically?”

China Week reported in 2011 that the World Health

Organization (WHO) had clearly warned the CCP authorities

that the government should fund the most basic public health

so that hospitals will not have to ask patients for money.

Data from the CCP Family Planning Commission indicates

that China's health expenditure in 2013 was expected to reach

more than 3.1-trillion yuan, of which personal spending

accounted for about one-third.

In other words, the combined total of residents' personal

medical expenditures reached around one-trillion yuan;

economic pressure on people seeing doctors remains high.

U.S. based political commentator Chen Pokong said in 2006

that in terms of public health, the CCP ensures the interests of

power groups and neglects its public duty; it has committed

crimes against the Chinese people!

Chen Yufei from Chengdu City is another activist

who signed the appeal.

He says the money to implement a free medical care system

will actually come from the people, and he only hopes

the government will not waste the money.

Chen Yunfei: “The CCP says it is here to serve the people,

but it actually exploits the people.”

“It should implement free medical care, or else people can't

survive; they'll have no choice but to overthrow the CCP.”

So, what do co-signers expect to see on the medical plan?

Ye Jinghuan: “I think things might improve with our appeal,

but it is very difficult to implement it across China.”

“I think the government at all levels do not think of the people

and do not care about the life or death of the people.”

Chen Yunfei says no matter what the outcome,

the people are in pain and crying out;

their voice should be heard in society.

Interview / Tian Jing Edit/ Wang Ziqi

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