云南鲁甸余震不断 救援缓慢
云南鲁甸县3号下午发生6.5级地震,造成398人死亡 ,近2000人受伤。当地灾民告诉本台记者,灾后余震不断,震中龙头山镇的房屋几乎全部倒塌,很多人还被掩埋 在废墟里,72小时内的黄金救援期,时间正在分秒消逝。
《新快报》记者刘虎 取保候审
被中共当局关押近一年的广州《新快报》记者刘虎,8月3号获取保候审回家,刘虎去年因在社交网站 〝微博〞上举报 4名中共副部级官员,被中共当局指控涉嫌犯有〝诽谤〞、〝敲诈勒索〞和〝寻釁滋事〞三项罪。
在大陆 维权 律师 高智晟 8月7号服刑期满前夕,全世界都在关注高智晟能否获释。高智晟的妻子耿和要求中共当局,如期释放高智晟,让他回到家人的身旁。
高智晟因为致信中共高层 ,要求停止对法轮功的残酷迫害,2006年8月7号遭中共警方逮捕,之后被北京法院判处有期徒刑3年、缓刑5年。2011年,被撤销缓刑,送进偏远的新疆沙雅县监狱服刑。在被捕之前和缓刑期间,高智晟长期被中共国保绑架和酷刑折磨。
Ludian County Rescue Slow With Repeated Aftershocks
August 3 afternoon, Ludian County suffers 6.5 earthquake,
resulting in 398 deaths and nearly 2,000 injured.
Local victims told our reporter there are repeated aftershocks.
Most houses collapsed in the epicenter, Longtoushan town
with many people buried.
The golden 72 hour rescue time is passing by the minute .
Currently, the disaster relief is slow.
Many victims called for help through internet and said it has
been a whole day after the quake, but no rescue team arrives.
They need water, bread and tents.
Xinkuaibao reporter Liu Hu is Freed on Bail
August 3, the Xinkuaibao reporter Liu Hu was released on bail
after one year detention.
Liu Hu was accused of three crimes: slander, extortion
and trouble-making due to a report on four vice-ministerial level
officials on the social website microblog.
Hu Liu’s lawyer Zhou Ze revealed in the microblog that the
Beijing Procurator freed Liu Hu on bail
because of being unable to settle a lawsuit
within the custody term.
Zhou Ze said he believes Liu Hu is innocent.
The four vice-ministerial officials reported by Liu Hu were
Deputy director Ma Zhengqi,
Shaanxi Provincial Public Security
Bureau Director Du Hangwei;
Shanghai Superior Court acting
President CUI Yadong,
CRH general manager Song Lin.
Geng He Calls on Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
to Release Gao Zhisheng on Schedule
Mainland human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng will
complete his term of imprisonment on August 7.
Whether he will be released attracts world attention.
Geng He requested the Chinese authorities
to release Gao Zhisheng on schedule.
Geng He told Radio Free Asia reporter what concerns her
most is after August 7 Gao Zhisheng will be detained by the
CCP on another excuse or still lose freedom,
or even go even missing.
Geng He said, August 1, Gao’s brother Gao Zhiyi went to
Xinjiang Shaya prison to pick up Gao Zhisheng,
but she can not connect to Gao Zhiyi’s phone now.
August 7, 2006, Gao Zhisheng was arrested
because he wrote to the CCP leadership to request
an end to the brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
Later, he was sentenced to three years imprisonment,
suspended for five years.
2011, he was imprisoned in Xinjiang Shaya prison by the
revocation of probation.
Gao Zhisheng was abducted and tortured by state security
before arrest and during the probationary period.
Edit/Zhou Yulin
before arrest and during the probationary period.
本文标签:中共, 亚洲, 华润集团, 国保, 地震, 宋林, 律师, 新唐人, 法轮功, 自由, 自由亚洲, 自由亚洲电台, 高智晟
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