
【禁闻】撤钻井平台 争夺军队控制权内斗结束?




时政 评论员蓝述:〝从南海撤出来,主要的原因是中共高层 对军方控制权的争夺已经基本告一段落,因为在南海、或者在中国 周边地区制造紧张局势,它一个很大的目的就是高层在讨好军方的鹰派,因为他本来就不是真正想打,本来也不是真正缺那油田,有争议的这些领海上去钻,即使钻出来油,你送不送的回去啊?〞




南海领土被侵占不是最近一两天的事情,中共当局过去为什么默不作声,而正当中国国内大力反腐的时候,却突然高调起来? 是谁故意挑起的?有位网友说,当腐败集团被国内民意聚焦的时候,国际纷争就应运而生。

大陆 荆楚:〝有网友推测,把钻井平台移到比较敏感的区域,可能是江泽民体系给习近平制造难堪,撤掉,可能是习近平他们认为这个事情搞得过火了,因为的军队是镇压老百姓的,是党卫军,遇上外敌的话,他们立即尿湿了裤裆的。〞




台湾〝政治大学国际事务学院〞教授丁树范:〝有一种就是我有办法把你整个压制下去,那显然这部分中国不太容易,因为从菲律宾,越南等等到日本,过去这两年给中国带来蛮多问题 了,既然他如果没有办法把他压制下去,他肯定要采取比较和缓的方式,让周边国家不至于跟他完全站在对立面。〞



采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

Oil Rig Withdrawn From Disputed Waters.

A Sign Xi Jinping Is In Control?

China has moved oil rig, Haiyang Shiyou 981, away from

disputed waters off Vietnam.

This drilling rig near the Paracel Islands has aroused

tension in the two countries for more than two months.

The sudden move triggered hot discussion.

Commentators say that China had previously towed

the US$1 billion rig to the Paracel Islands,

to meet the need for seizing military power internally

to curry favor with the War Hawks in the military,

and divert attention from domestic conflict.

Now the process of securing military power has ended,

it becomes unnecessary to keep the oil rig in disputed waters.

On July 15, the oil rig reportedly returned to

the Hainan Islands area.

The move is one month ahead of the mid-August schedule.

China’s Foreign Ministry said it was because

the typhoon season begins soon.

The rig has finished drilling and the move had “no relation

to any outside factor”.

The Vietnamese coastguard said they would stay

in the area to closely observe the situation.

Lan Shu, current affairs commentator: “The reason for moving

away from the South Sea,

is because the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) internal

struggles over seizing military power have finished.

The main reason the CCP created the previous tension was

to curry favor with military War Hawks.

In reality, the CCP neither wanted to fight,

nor lacked oilfields.

Even had they drilled the oil out of disputed waters,

could they send the oil home?”

Lan Shu says that so far clearing out Jiang Zemin’s allies

from the military is almost completed.

Not long ago, Xu Caihou, a Jiang faction member

who controlled the military, was purged.

Another military head Guo Boxiong is held in Qincheng

Prison for corruption.

On July 10, US Senate approved Resolution 412.

It “calls on China to withdraw its Haiyang Shiyou 981 drilling

rig and associated maritime forces from their current positions,”

And return to the South Sea’s original status.

It “urges China to refrain from implementing the declared

East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone”.

Some netizens and media believe that

the CCP has bowed to the US.

The South Sea dispute didn’t happen recently,

so why did the CCP keep silent in the past?

Yet while the anti-corruption was vigorously carried out,

the South Sea conflict suddenly became louder,

who has deliberately provoked the events?

A netizen says that any time when the corrupt CCP group

was focused on,

international disputes would be created accordingly.

China-based writer Jing Chu: “Some netizens speculated that

the rig being moved into sensitive areas,

was a Jiang faction attempt to create

embarrassment for Xi Jinping.

Moving away from the areas, is likely because Xi Jinping

thought Jiang’s faction went too far.

Because the CCP army is for suppressing civilians,

and to protect the CCP.

Once they faced real enemies, they would panic.”

The state run media reported that on June 6, 63 Vietnamese

vessels arrived in the disputed waters.

They broke into China’s area and clashed with

Chinese boats 1,416 times.

In mid-May, because the oil rig crossed the Vietnamese border,

several thousands of Vietnamese smashed, looted

and burnt Taiwanese and Chinese companies based in Vietnam.

It caused 300 Chinese and Taiwanese casualties

and serious damage to property.

Sources say that before the oil rig was moved, the Philippines

was planning to join Vietnam to fight to death with the CCP

in the South Sea.

Vietnam was seeking US help.

Professor Ding Shufan, Taiwan College of International Affairs:

“The CCP always thought it could suppress an opponent.

But regarding this affair, it is uneasy.

The Philippines, Vietnam and Japan had brought

many problems to China.

If suppression didn’t work, the CCP would use soft methods,

at least in this way, its neighboring countries

wouldn’t be completely against it.”

China Petroluem Daily cited a Vietnamese scholar that

withdrawing the oil rig was

“under Vietnamese People’s Army deterrent effect.”

Le Haibinh, spokesman of the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry

said that Vietnam had requested China not to bring Haiyang

Shiyou 981 oil rig and other rigs into Vietnam’s

Gas Zone -143 or into any Vietnam waters.

Interview & Edit/Liu Hui Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan

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