

马航MH17航班空难遇难者〝头七〞当天,首批荷兰籍遇难者遗体被运达荷兰,受到了荷兰高规格接待,荷兰国王、王后、首相等都出面接机,众多荷兰民众沿途默哀,荷兰各地教堂敲钟五分钟,所有政府大楼为遇难者降半旗。大陆 民众感叹荷兰政府尊重生命的同时,纷纷对比中共当局对生命的漠视和践踏。



荷兰国王威廉?亚历山大(Willem-Alexander)和马克西玛(Maxima)王后、荷兰吕特(Mark Rutte)和副总理阿斯舍尔(Lodewijk Asscher)等,亲自前往机场迎接遇难者遗体的抵达。



荷兰政府迎接遇难者遗体的庄严仪式在全球播放,他们对逝者的尊重引发众多中国 网民的关注。

许多网民纷纷对比中共面对灾难时,对生命的漠视和践踏。网友表示,在中国一发生大事件,当局第一时间就是〝〞、禁言 、删帖、抓人,最擅长的是〝抢尸体〞。

也有网民把这一情景,与3年前同一天发生的〝温州动车事故〞的后期处理作比较。网友感叹:同样是7月23号,三年前我们就地掩埋 了同胞,三年后看别的国家,如何给死者尊严。



湖南网民徐琳质问:〝事故哪个国家都会有,但是,人家发生列车事故会把车厢掩埋吗?人家发生了火灾会让领导先走吗?人家发生会拒绝外国救援吗?人家发生水灾会送霉食品 、大热天送棉袄吗?人家发生事故会隐瞒伤亡人数、用铲车装尸体、逼企业捐款、封锁新闻吗?〞

荆楚表示,像中国各地频发的矿难事故、塌方事故、水灾、火灾等天灾人祸 ,在死伤几十、数百人的情况下,当局第一时间仍然是封锁消息。

荆楚: 〝党国的媒体发生这样的灾难,就是尽可能的用网路特务们删帖,不让老百姓发出来,封锁消息,中共就是一种极端野蛮、恐怖,邪恶的专制制度,它只要统治权,只要老百姓的屈服,它是不可能尊重生命的。〞




采访编辑/李韵 后制/肖颜

Dutch Mourn Flight MH17 Victims’ Bodies Arriving.

The first group of victims’ bodies from the crashed MH17

plane arrived in the Netherlands on Wednesday.

There was a honoring reception from the Dutch government.

The King, Queen, and the Dutch prime minister

received the bodies.

Many Dutch residents mourned, churches in the nation rang

bells for five minutes.

Flags at all government buildings were lowered to half mast.

Mainland Chinese expressed their admiration at the Dutch

government’s show of respect for the victims’ lives.

Many compared it with the Chinese Communist Party’s

(CCP) contempt for human life.

The MH17 flight was shot down and crashed above

the border of Ukraine and Russia on July 17.

All 298 people on the plane died. 193 of the victims

are citizens of the Netherlands.

Two planes carrying 40 of the victims’ bodies arrived at

Eindhoven military airport in the Netherlands.

The Dutch government declared the day as

national mourning day.

King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, the Dutch prime

minister Mark Rutte, and vice-premier Lodewijk Asscher

received the transport planes at the airport.

Churches throughout the country rang bells at the moment

when the planes landed on the ground.

Music in all public places including stores and restaurants

stopped playing.

Cars on the streets were hung with black ribbons and

stopped by the roadside.

Thousands of Dutch people in white clothes gathered

to mourn in the capital Amsterdam.

The receiving ceremony at the Dutch airport was broadcast

globally, attracting many Chinese netizens’ responses.

Many netizens compared it to the CCP’s contempt for

human life during disasters.

Some netizens say the first thing that Chinese government

does after an incident is to “maintain the stability”.

They shut peoples’ mouths, delete online posts, and arrest

people. Its specialty is to rush away bodies of the victims.

Some netizens compared the Dutch ceremony with how the

Wenzhou train crash the same day 3 years ago was handled.

Netizens said that 3 years ago, the people

were buried at the scene.

3 years later by looking at other countries, they can

see how other nations give dignity to the departed.

Mainland internet author Jing Chu indicates that Netherlands

is a democratic country that gives respect to every individual.

It’s different from some authoritarian state

that disregard for human lives, he said.

Jing Chu, internet author in mainland China, “the contrast

between this incident and China’s is so big.

Many people discuss it on QQ [chatting tool]. After

comparison, we can only sigh that we were born in

a disastrous nation that doesn’t have human rights

and doesn’t give basic respects to our lives.”

Xu Lin, netizen in Hunan Province of China, “every country

has accidents, but do other countries bury the car of the train

that had the collision? Do other countries have officials

leave the scene first during a fire disaster?

Do other countries refuse foreign rescue?

Do other countries send moldy food and winter quilts in

summer for disaster relief?

Do other countries hide death tolls in disasters, use forklifts

to carry victims’ bodies, force enterprises to donate money,

and block the news?”

Jing Chu said the CCP still blocks the news as the first

thing to do when there’s mine accidents, landslides, floods,

fires and other natural disasters, and when there’s dozens

or hundreds of deaths and people injured.

Jing Chu, “if such a disaster happened in CCP China, it

would delete related online information as much as possible

to block the information, and not let the people speak up. The

CCP is an extremely brutal, horrible, and evil autocracy.

It just wants ruling power, and wants people to surrender.

It’s impossible for it to respect lives.”

Zhu Xinxin, former editor of Hebei People’s Radio Station,

indicates that the CCP often crushes people to death during

forced house demolitions, and rush to hide the bodies or

destroy bodies in all kind of incidents.

Zhu Xinxin, “I need to tell people the truth.

It’s impossible to have dignity and human rights

under the one party dictatorship.

Only by abolishing such a dictatorship, can people have

backbone, be invoved in the nation, and have human dignity.”

Zhu indicates that only when the people in a country have

dignity, the government deserves dignity.

Otherwise, the government only gets scorned

by the world, and reviled by its people.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Edit/XiaoYan

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