


据中共官媒报导,东莞扫黄,一夜就查出1948家有问题 的酒店。其中五星级酒店——〝太子酒店〞董事长梁耀辉,是全国人大代表,梁耀辉同时还担任〝中源石油集团〞董事长,也是〝中国 最大酒店〞——东莞〝奥威斯国际会议酒店〞的幕后控制人。



》版主,曾经曝光重庆北碚区委书记等中共官员的色情视频,起到了倒逼重庆政府查办的作用,不过朱瑞峰 一度被重庆警方带走,警方要求朱瑞峰将存有官员涉嫌犯罪证据的原始U盘交出来,警方威胁朱瑞峰,如果隐藏证据,就是涉嫌犯罪,要他交代U盘被复制的份数。警方还试图从他的口里挖出警方内部的新闻线人。新闻线人提供给他重庆警方销毁卷宗,保护贪官的重要线索,让官方恼羞成怒。

人民监督网 》版主朱瑞峰:〝每一次扫黄都是他们一次次敛财的机会, 对那些小姐进行罚款,过几天又从新开起来了,交点保护费,一般的警察上班不干别的,都盯到歌厅、桑拿、发廊门口,去做嫖客。(色情)也是一个升官的途径,据更高层 的消息,中央电视台的很多主持人都被中央电视台的原台长送给高级官员了。〞


山东籍张小姐:〝开始是陪这些客人吃饭喝酒,然后客人就会提出开房 间,拒绝或抵抗就会挨打,逃跑就给抓回来,更严厉的暴打,把你身上的钱都没收,你没有钱,好多女生都被迫接客了。〞



当今的中国,色情娱乐场所已经走向了专业化、产业化、公开化,对许多地方官员而言,色情业已经成为创收,和拉动经济的主要手段。早在2001年,海外 媒体就曝光过大陆 地下色情产业至少有500多万〝三陪〞小姐,每年带动的消费不少于5000亿。

中国的色情业,滋养了一大批从业者和庇护者,更成为和谐 社会的一剂毒药,让成千上万的人陷在淫乱之中快乐至死!


共产党的老祖宗和他的佣人生下私生子,列宁死于梅毒,毛泽东不仅性乱,还有意把性病传给对方。 《九评 共产党》指出,中共的领导人给民众起到的示范作用,不可低估。

采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元

Dongguan Sex Industry Crackdown: Will It Only Further Revive Profession?

Recently, China Central Television (CCTV)

released a high-profile report on a crackdown

on the sex industry in Dongguan.

This report has failed to win public support,

and has been continuously criticized by them.

Commentators say that the sex industry

has become a way for officials’ to attain

promotion, and for their entertainment.

This crackdown is perceived as bullying vulnerable women,

and will only lead to expanding the pornography industry.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and it’s

officials are the original source of the sex industry.

China state-controlled media reported that police

undertook a series of night raids in Dongguan.

They found 1,948 “problematic” entertainment

venues that were involved in the sex industry.

One of them was the five-star Crown Prince Hotel.

The hotels chairman is Liang Yaohui, who is also

a representative in the National People’s Congress.

Liang is also Chairman of Zhongyuan Oilfied Company

Group, and is said to control the nation’s largest hotel,

Dongguan OYV International Convention Hotel.

Beijing journalist Cai Shenkun says that this crackdown

will not only fail to change the flourishing sexual industry.

On the contrary, every crackdown on a sex related

business only sees a reshuffle in this business.

Every time the regimes leadership changes,

there is a crackdown on the sex industry.

The investors have to find new protection, thus

it becomes an opportunity to develop this industry.

Mr. Li, security guard, Shenyang Karaoke Bar:

“The large entertainment venues provide

food and entertainment services together.

The sauna’s, karaoke clubs and other places

are run by powerful governmental officials.

The small venues were often

investigated, but not large ones.

That is, unless the owner upsets

someone with a powerful background.

High-ranking officials generally go to private clubs,

without membership, and entry is restricted.

The private clubs all have some power behind them.”

Zhu Ruifeng is founder of rmjdw36.com.

Zhu exposed the sex tapes of Chongqing

official Lei Zhengfu, as well as other officials.

This has pressured the Chongqing

regime to investigate corrupt officials.

However, Zhu was detained by Chongqing police,

who demanded that he hand over the original

tape evidence and files of the involved officials.

Police also threatened Zhu, that if he hides

the evidence, he will be accused of a crime.

Police asked Zhu to confess how many copies he made.

Police intended to get the name of the police

officer who provided Zhu with the information.

This police officer provided Zhu with the

archives that Chongqing police tried to destroy.

They were trying to protect corrupt officials.

Zhu Ruifeng: “Every crackdown on the sex industry

is an opportunity for officials to seize money.

Those girls are fined, and a few days later, they

start again. They hand over some protection fees.

Police don’t care about other issues; they keep

their eye on karaoke bars, saunas and hair salons.

The police are also customers of the sex trade. Officials

can get promoted through the pornography industry.

According to higher-level sources, CCTV

anchors were sent to senior officials by

former CCTV Director Li Dongsheng.”

Ms Zhang, a resident of Shandong

was tricked into working in a hotel.

She reveals that some hotels, karaoke bars

and other brothels collude with agencies.

They appear under the name of a job agency, and

take good-looking college graduate girls to the hotels.

They then keep them there against their will.

Ms. Zhang: “At the beginning, we were

just accompanying customers to dinner.

Later, customers asked us to go to their rooms,

Any girl who resists will be beaten, and anyone who

tries to escape will be taken back and beaten very badly.

They confiscate our money, and without

money, many girls have to serve customers.”

Ms Zhang finally escaped the hotel.

She said that the local police already planned

how to frame girls who went to the police station.

Ms Zhang: “Police only ask one question: ‘Did you agree?’

We thought the question was asking about agreeing

to work at the hotel, so we would answer yes.

However, the police didn’t specify what

they meant, and were playing with words.

As long as we said we agreed, they report to their

superiors saying these girls personally agreed to sex.”

Currently in China, the sex industry is becoming

increasingly professional, industrialized and publicized.

For many officials, a sex business can make huge profits,

and becomes a primary means to stimulating the economy.

In early 2001, international media revealed

that at least 5 million women were providing

underground sex services in Mainland China.

Annual spending was at least 500 million yuan.

The sex industry creates a large

number of prostitutes and protectors.

It becomes a poison to society, and thousands of

people are trapped into a sexually immoral environment.

Declining morality in Chinese society is not only

manifesting in a publicized sex industry and sex trade.

Pornography on mobile phones and websites is even worse.

Of serious concern is the common and widespread practice

of privilege groups and rich people keeping mistresses.

This plays a corrosion role in society.

Karl Marx is known to have had an

illegitimate child with his housekeeper.

Lenin died of Syphilis, and Mao Zedong indulged

himself in sex, intending to pass Syphilis to his women.

The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party points

out that CCP leaders have played an effecting role on

Chinese people, which should not be underestimated.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhongYuan

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