
【中国禁闻】天安门爆炸事件不是意外 是为什么

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【新唐人2013年10月30日讯】北京一向警戒森严,日前,发生车辆冲撞起火爆炸事件,在三中全会11月召开的前夕发生这类事故,成为了敏感问题 。据事发现场人士透露,事件绝对不是车祸意外。而警方发布通知说,北京发生重大案件,嫌疑人是来自新疆的维吾尔族人。

10月28号中午,北京天安门 城楼金水桥前,一辆吉普车由南池子大街南口闯入便道,由东向西行驶,撞向金水桥护栏之后起火。


原央视二台《经济半小时》摄像 马先生:〝我第一反应也是有意为之,我觉得撞的位置和走的途径,太蹊跷了,经过设计了。 从南池子奔西拐,从一个僻静的地方到一个很热闹的马路很宽阔的地方,拐弯拐过来的速度有那么快吗?〞

这辆吉普车在冲撞过程中,撞伤多名游客和,造成5人死亡 ,38人受伤。起火地点靠近天安门城楼正门。车内三人经确认已经死亡。



北京市民 余先生:〝 从天安门西到,全部被封锁了。〞

中共当局对这起事件的处理不仅迅速而且沉默,虽然官方宣称,冲撞事件震惊中共高层 ,不过当天,《央视》晚间7点的《》没有播出相关消息,晚间10点新闻也没有播出相关视频和图片 ,只读了新闻稿。而在中国 大陆 社交网站 —-微博贴出的相关照片,在几分钟内就被删除。



时事评论员 夏小强:〝其实类似的民众自杀式的暴力抗争、杀警、自焚 、用炸药与政府官员同归于尽等事件,几乎每天都在中国各地发生着,只是这次事件发生在像征中共权力中心的地方—-天安门,就比较引起国际媒体的广泛关注。〞





三中全会即将召开,汽车冲撞天安门成为敏感事件。时事评论员夏小强表示,中共的政策,给中国社会和民众积攒了巨大的民怨。中共的维稳对像几乎包括了生活在中国大陆的全体民众,从普通民众、失业工人、失地农民、退伍、到被打压杀戮的西藏 和新疆民众。加上中共制度性腐败造成的无官不贪、经济发展 的减缓等,夏小强表示,中共对中国民众的压迫已经到了官逼民反的临界点,这些迹象表明,中共统治已经出现了崩溃的前兆。

采访编辑/常春 后制/郭敬


Why the Tiananmen Crash Wasn’t an Accident

Beijing’s Tiananmen Square has always been heavily guarded by security. Recently, a vehicle crashed, igniting a fire and explosions at the Tiananmen Gate. The incident became a sensitive topic, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Third Plenary Session is scheduled for November.

According to witnesses, the incident was absolutely not a car accident. The police have issued a notice saying Beijing has had a major incident and the suspects are Uighurs from Xinjiang.

On Oct. 28, a jeep from south gate in Nanchizi Road drove into the Chang’an Avenue sidewalk, crashing into barricades at Jinshui Bridge and bursting into flames.

Reuters cited an anonymous bystander who heard an explosion and saw fire.

Mr. Ma, former cameraman of China’s Central Television (CCTV): “My first thought was that it was an attack, as the crash spot and route that the car took is too strange, it is devised. The car came from Nanchizi and turned to the West. It came from a quiet place and drove into a busy, wide road, how can the turning speed be so fast?”

The jeep crashed into a crowd, injuring many tourists and police. There were five fatalities and 38 were injured. The jeep burst into flames near the main entrance of Tiananmen building. It’s reported that three people in the car died.

Cameraman Mr. Ma who was on site said that there was heavy smoke, people stood on both sides of the barricades, and anti-riot vehicles stopped in the middle of the road. Ambulances kicked into gear, and people were very scared. Ma said that he often walks that route, and if he had come one minute earlier, he would likely have been hit.

Ma: “Some people came earlier than me, I asked them whether it was an accident or a suicide attack. Many people said it is certainly not an accident.”

Mr. Yu, Beijing resident: “From west of Tiananmen to Zhongnanhai, all roads are closed.”

The Chinese regime handled the incident quickly and quietly. Although officials claimed that the incident shocked the high-level, on the same day, CCTV didn’t report the news on its 7pm news coverage program. On the 10pm news program, there was a short blurb about the incident sans video and pictures. Photos that were posted on the social networking site Weibo microblog were deleted within a few minutes.

After the incident, police blocked roads near the crash and closed the Tiananmen subway station. Two AFP reporters at the scene were temporary detained. Reporters said that the photos in the camera were deleted.

Six Hong Kong journalists on the site were also detained for 15 minutes. Some of them argued with police.

Xia Xiaoqiang, current affairs commentator: “Such suicide attacks, killing police, self-immolation, and suicide bombing the officials, are almost daily happenings in China. This one happened in the heart of China’s power – Tiananmen – and drew international media’s wide attention.”

A Mainland Chinese website revealed that on the afternoon of the incident, they received three orders from the central regime not to put the news in the headlines, to keep the time of the news on the home page to a minimum; not to edit content, photos, videos; not to change the title of the news; and to pay attention to comments and posts, if any problems occur, the website will be immediately shut down.

The regime is afraid of more news being disclosed. Police have placed a net shield at the site of the incident in front of Tiananmen Gate.

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Security Management issued a notice saying Beijing had a major incident and the suspects are Uighurs from Xinjiang. The police listed two male Uighurs names.

Our reporter called Beijing police station, they said it was not convenient to give comments. Some relevant organs didn’t deny the validity of the notice.

The Third Plenary Session is approaching, and the incident became very sensitive. Xia Xiaoqiang says that CCP’ policy of maintaining stability has caused huge resentment to build up. The policy targets all Chinese people.

This includes civilians, laid off workers, landless farmers, retired soldiers, Tibetans and the people in Xinjiang. In addition, the CCP system results in corrupt officials and economic growth slowdown. Xia says that the CCP’s suppression of civilians has reached the point of a civilian uprising. All these phenomenon show that the CCP is facing its collapse.

采访编辑/常春 后制/郭敬

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