河北廊坊的张振刚说:我加入中国 共产党几十年,目睹党内的的丑恶,也亲历了中共的邪恶。我作为中共的宣传干部和纪检干部,虽然自己一生两袖清风,但是也目睹了贪官的贪得无厌。在我有生之年,翻然悔悟,痛改前非,我郑重宣布退出中共邪党。天灭中共,复兴中华。
大陆刘宏杰说:我1939年出生,1959年 刚刚20岁就成为了一名中共邪党成员。当了多年的村官,参与 了邪党的历次政治运动,而且表现积极。听法轮功人员讲真相后,使我从恶梦中警醒,方知自己被中共欺骗了多年,认清了中共的真面目,现声明退出中共的党团队组织,彻底与中共决裂,决不为中共做陪葬。
Cadres and officials often have the so-called
"vested interests" within the regime.
But now, with a better understanding of the situation,
they have declared to quit the party one after another.
Zhang Zhengang from Langfang, Hebei Province wrote:
"I have been a member of the CCP for decades, witnessed
the ugliness in the party, and experienced the CCP's evilness.
I, as a cadre in propaganda and disciplinary, although
uncorrupted, have witnessed the greed of corrupt officials.
In my remaining lifetime, I am contrite, and I repent;
I solemnly announce to withdraw from the evil CCP.
Heaven extinguish the CCP; Rejuvenation of China."
Liu Hongjie from Mainland wrote:
"I was born in 1939.
I became a member of the CCP when I turned
just 20 years old in 1959.
Being a village official for years, I have actively participated
and performed well in the evil party's political campaigns.
After listening to Falun Gong practitioner's truth
clarification, I finally woke up from a nightmare.
I realized that I have been deceived by the CCP
for many years, and I understood the true face of the CCP.
I hereby declare that I quit the CCP and its affiliated
organizations, I completely break off the relations
with the CCP, and I will not be buried with the dead CCP.
本文标签:中共, 中共邪党, 党, 共产党, 天灭中共, 政治, 新唐人, 法轮功, 真相, 贪官, 退党, 邪党
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