

中共宣布对立案调查的第二天,大陆 媒体追查周永康 的儿子周滨的商业帝国,发现周家在生意上,与前中共副主席曾庆红的侄女曾宝宝有着千丝万缕的关系,据报导,曾宝宝一度被有关部门带走协助调查。评论分析,接下来,曾庆红将成为被打的〝〞之一。

中共7月29号宣布对周永康立案调查后,媒体便发表题为〝打掉大老虎周永康,不是反腐句号〞的评论文章 ,为公众留下悬念。




大陆消息人士告诉香港《》,曾宝宝之前曾被有关部门带走协助调查,具体针对什么问题 不清楚。







中国 资深法学专家赵远明:〝曾庆红的儿子曾伟的话,实际上也是通过他父亲的关系赚了很多黑钱,这些钱都是老百姓的,所以说只要他违法,不管在哪儿,都应该绳之以法,依照法律 给以审判。〞

去年12月,周永康被抓的消息传出后,就有消息说周永康供出了曾庆红。今年6月,海外 媒体纷纷报导,曾庆红已经遭软禁,正接受内部调查,有报导分析,曾庆红将成为周永康之后的另一只被打的大老虎。



采访编辑/李韵 后制/李智远

Zeng Qinghong’s Niece Involved in Zhou Yongkang Case

The day after the Chinese regime announced an investigation

of Zhou Yongkang has begun, mainland media reported that

his son Zhou Bin had close business relations

with Zeng Qinghong’s niece, Zeng Baobao,

who was reportedly interrogated by the authorities.

Commentators say Zeng Baobao’s involvement in Zhou’s case

signals former Chinese vice president Zeng Qinghong

will be the next Tiger.

When the investigation of Zhou Yongkang was announced

on July 29, Chinese regime mouthpieces immediately

published a commentary entitled “The anti-corruption drive

doesn’t stop at taking down big tiger Zhou Yongkang.”

On July 30, mainland media revealed Zhou Bin and Wu Bin,

known as the Zhou’s middle man, are business partners in oil

and in entertainment.

Together, they founded a film and television company and

partnered with Chinese actress Mei Ting.

Zeng Qinghong’s daughter Zeng Baobao is also reported

to have tight-knight business relations with the Zhou family.

When Fantasia Holdings Group was officially listed

in Hong Kong in 2009, its founder Zeng Baobao owned assets

worth $913.5 million.

Fantasia Holdings, Wu Bin’s company and Zhou Bin’s

mother-in-law Zhan Minli, own a 57 percent share of

a water resources development company in Sichuan.

The three of them also founded a power company in Sichuan.

Late last year, Zhou Bin, Zhan Minli, and Wu Bing,

were put under investigation.

Hong Kong-based Apple Daily reports authorities have taken

away Zeng Baobao to assist with an unspecified investigation.

Former Shandong University professor Sun Wenguang says

that the wealth of all the top party officials’ acquaintances

and relatives should be investigated for any ill-gotten gains.

Sun Wenguang, former Shandong University professor:

“All these things ought to be investigated.

Things such as exactly how they attained all this wealth,

and whether it was gained through kinship.

There ought to be some rules.

How did they gain these 7 billion (yuan)? Is it really from

business profits or is it through official’s relationship?”

The involvement of Zeng Qinghong’s son Zeng Wei

in corruption scandals has also been exposed many years ago.

Zeng Wei’s identity was exposed in 2010 when he spent

over 32 million Australian dollars (about 250 million yuan

at the time) on a mansion, and AU$5 million on renovation.

Zeng Qinghong had long controlled the oil, energy,

and chemical industries, while Zeng Wei was also involved

in the oil trade and became a famous oil tycoon

while making huge developments in real estate.

Zeng Wei’s cheap purchase of state-owned

Shandong Luneng Electricity Group directly caused

the loss of 70 billion yuan worth of state assets,

and the majority of the profits were laundered overseas.

Zeng Wei also became the real boss behind Shanghai’s

Volkswagen Group, Shanghai’s Eastern Airlines

and Beijing’s Hyundai Motor Group.

In June, media in mainland China reported a rich businessman

with the name Zeng Wei was extradited from the United States

by the government of Hong Kong,

on allegations of money laundering and bribery.

However, mainland media have not confirmed whether he is

the same person as the son of Zeng Qinghong.

Zhao Yuanming, Chinese senior legal expert: “If it is the same

Zeng Wei, he has surely obtained lots of dirty money

via his relationship with his father.

This is the people’s money, so he should be held accountable

for his illegal activities.

No matter where he is, he needs to be brought to justice.”

Last December, Zhou Yongkang was said to have exposed

Zeng Qinghong after news of his arrest last year.

This June, overseas media said Zeng Qinghong

is under house arrest.

Reports say that Zeng may be the next tiger to be probed

after Zhou Yongkang.

Chen Minghui, commentator: “As this process goes on,

the levels of tigers being probed will be increasingly higher

and the speed will be much faster,

more than what we can imagine.

Because previously it took very long, I believe now the major

battle has begun. I believe the devilry led by Jiang Zemin

is coming to an end.”

Both Zhou and Zeng were Jiang Zemin’s core staff.

Zhao Yuanming says the fall of Zhou Yongkang signals that

the core figures of Jiang’s faction such as Zeng Qinghong,

and Jiang himself, will all face the fate of being purged.

Interview & Edit/Li xun Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan

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