黑龙江省建三江农垦总局绑架四名人权律师 事件越闹越大,中国 各地公民和律师们,不惧镇压持续前往当地接力声援,近几天再有数十人遭抓捕。3月31号,建三江农垦区公安局发通告回应,继续诋毁维权 律师和受黑监狱迫害的法轮功学员,触怒各界。
当天,还有49位律师和学者联署致信给中共公安部,抗议建三江农垦区警方,对4名律师以及对声援者采取的暴力手段,是倒行逆施,是野蛮践踏法律 的行为。
信中要求公安部,立即制止建三江农垦区警方的非法行径,保障律师的会见权利,立即派员彻查建三江黑监狱内幕 等。
参与 联署的大陆律师刘卫国表示,律师界对被拘律师和公民的声援,以及幕后的支持不会停止。
大陆 律师刘卫国:〝我们会尽可能号召更多的律师去现场,去给那些被抓的、被打的、包括被遣返的律师、公民去维权,另外也会对相关的政府和违法人员提出更加全面的控告。〞
刘卫国指出,当局每一次的违法行为,尤其是对律师权益的剥夺 ,只会造成更多的律师和公民们觉醒。
3月31号,建三江农垦区公安局官方微博发通告回应,通告中公开承认当地警方拘留了包括律师在内的11人,并把他们冠以所谓〝利用邪教 活动扰乱社会秩序〞罪名。
吴淦指出,之前中共给法轮功 信仰人士抹黑、泼脏水、造谣,制造恐惧,老百姓不敢去碰触这个议题,而现在这个魔咒必须去除。
中国资深法学专家赵远明:〝你看劳教制度废除了,但是现在洗脑中心依然在运作。然后对法轮功学员还徇私枉法,判刑,对律师也是法外施法,然后进行非法打击报复,我就觉得要彻底的消灭这种现象,就是说必须要彻底的把这个江派、血债派镇压迫害法轮功 的罪行公之于众。〞
中国资深法学专家赵远明指出,中共极力回避法轮功问题 ,但一批批维权律师 舍身取义的站出来发声,无论如何北京这一时局再也绕不过迫害法轮功这个核心问题。
采访编辑/李韵 后制/舒灿
Public Wrath Of Jiansanjiang Event.
Four human rights lawyers were abducted in Jiansanjiang Land
Reclamation Bureau, Heilongjiang province.
This event is growing larger by the day with many people
and lawyers paying homage and showing solidarity.
In recent days, there have been a dozen or so supporters
arrested during their support.
On March 31, Jiansanjiang Public Security Bureau
issued a notice,
denigrating human rights lawyers and Falun Gong practitioners
detained in Black Jails, this notice has enraged the public.
Recently, the Jiansanjiang Public Security Bureau in
Heilongjiang, illegally detained and beat four lawyers,
amongst them was Tang Jitian, Jiang Tianyong,
Wang Cheng and Zhang Junjie.
This event caused strong indignation amongst
the lawyers and citizens of China.
In the past ten days, groups of lawyers and citizens
around China,
spontaneously organized a “missing citizens rescue mission.”
They went to Jiansanjiang and protested the immediate release
of those “missing” people.
However, they were arrested and beaten by the
Jiansanjiang authorities.
Many citizens and lawyers continued to go to Jiangsanjiang
for solidarity, without fear for their lives.
In addition, lawyers in other cities started demonstrating too,
in protest against violations to human rights,
and of the corrupt legal system of the
Jiansanjiang authorities.
On March 31, Beijing lawyer Chen Jiangang, called upon
more lawyers to join in the solidarity stance via the Internet.
He said that “People who are not afraid of death” can contact
him any time to travel and work together.
Chen Jiangang told NTD during the interview: “The
enrollment includes more than 20 lawyers.”
On the same day, 49 lawyers and scholars, jointly signed a letter
addressed to the Chinese Ministry of Public Security.
They protested against the Jiansanjiang violence upon the four
lawyers and those who stood for solidarity.
In the letter, the Public Security Ministry is asked to stop the
illegal acts by the Jiansanjiang police,
and to deploy a thorough investigation into the inner workings
of the Jiansanjiang black jails.
Along with this, they must meet the requirements of lawyers rights,
with their position being always protected.
Liu Weiguo, a lawyer who signed the letter said, the solidarity
and support for the detained lawyers and citizens
will never stop.
Liu Weiguo: “We will try to call for more lawyers to
come to Jiangsanjiang,
asking them to protect the rights of the lawyers and citizens
who were arrested, beaten and to be repatriated.
We will also propose suing the related government
and illegal network of “offices.”
Liu Weiguo pointed out that every offense of the authorities,
especially those relating to the deprivation of lawyers, will only
cause more lawyers and citizens to awaken.
On March 31, Jiansanjiang police issued a notice through
official microblogging.
It was admitted that local police have detained 11 people,
including lawyers.
The accusation they’ve used is, “using of cult activities
to disturb social order”.
Wu Gan, a Chinese citizen in Fujian pointed out, that the
slander within the Jiangsanjiang police notice,
shows how shameless the authorities can be and how low
they are willing to stoop.
Wu Gan: “In the notice, they avoided mentioning their
criminal acts, including the establishment of black jails,
the extortion of money from many innocent victims, the detention
of citizens and lawyers, the prohibition of lawyers meetings,
and the violent assault of visiting lawyers and citizens.
There are countless other crimes.”
Wu Gan pointed out that the CCP discredited Falun Gong
practitioners with disinformation and created a fear in the past.
People, out of fear, no longer dared to touch upon this subject.
Now is the time is ripe to reveal the truth, the spell must be broken.
Chinese senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming: “You find the
abolition of reeducation through the labor system.
However, the brainwashing center is still in operation now.
As too persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, as well
as illegally detaining lawyers.
I think to eliminate this phenomenon completely, the persecution
crime of Falun Gong practitioners by the Jiang faction,
it must now be thoroughly brought out into the open,
it should be made public.”
Zhao Yuanming also pointed out that the CCP have tried
to evade the Falun Gong issue.
However, groups of human rights lawyers continued to stand
up and call for justice.
Faced with this situation, the Beijing authorities can no longer
avoid the core issue: the persecution of Falun Gong.
Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/ShuChan
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
本文标签:NSA, 中共, 人权, 公安局, 公安部, 劳教制度, 北京律师, 唐吉田, 大陆律师, 建三江, 律师, 政府, 新唐人, 江天勇, 江派, 法律, 法轮功, 王成, 血债派, 黑监狱
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