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15日在人民大会堂,中共高调举办纪念总书记习近平父亲习仲勋百岁座谈会,包括毛泽东、刘少奇 、邓小平、李先念、杨尚昆等的后人,至少有逾百名太子党出席,甚至高岗的遗孀李立群都有出席。在央视播出的节目中,温家宝等主张改革的所谓开明派也露面讲话。
时政 评论家蓝述:〝实际上官方宣传习仲勋的目的,是为了加强习近平的在党内的权威,维持中共的统治地位,这样做,对于缓解中国 社会党民之间深刻的矛盾,正面的作用更多一点。〞
原大陆 史学教授刘因全:〝无论左派也好,右派也好,无论希望中国改革开放的也好,还是希望倒退到毛泽东时代的人也好,他们都想藉助这个事件来向习近平施加压力。〞
相比之下,习仲勋算是中共党内极少数开明的人士,在文革期间受到残酷迫害,长达16年之久,复出后在广东主持经济改革。80年代末,又因为同情六四 民主运动,替胡耀邦辩护,遭到邓小平冷落。
但今年初的南周事件,开始使人们的希望慢慢 破灭。五月份,反宪政言论登堂入室,不久,推动公民运动的人士,包括许志永,郭飞雄,王功权等陆续被抓,随后习近平用毛式理论和语言,进行“整风”,“批评与自我批评”,还出现了省委常委互相揭短的“文革批判”场面,一系列箝制言论行动步步升级,令很多人大失所望。
冯崇义和杨恒均两位学者,在《财新网》发表文章 说,今天,我们纪念习仲勋,是纪念他执政春秋中,不畏强权与强人;是纪念他晚年反思觉醒,为受苦受难的中国民众拍案而起。
采访编辑/刘惠 后制/周天
What Is The Real Purpose of the Grand Memorial
of Xi Zhongxun?
Recently the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held activities
across China to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of
Xi Zhongxun’s birth.
The CCP major mouthpieces are competing to praise
Xi Zhongxun’s sharp will and courage to reform.
Leftists and Rightists all gave speeches.
This grand memorial is somewhat unusual.
On October 15th, the CCP held a high-profile symposium
in the Great Hall to commemorate Xi Zhongxun, father of
CCP general secretary Xi Jinping.
More than 100 princelings attended the event.
These including descendants of Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi,
Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian, Yang Shangkun and others.
Even Gao Gang’s window Li Lichun attended.
In CCTV’s broadcast, Wen Jiabao and other so-called liberals
who advocate reform made appearances and gave speeches.
Political commentator Lan Shu: “CCP’s propaganda on
Xi Zhongxun is to strengthen the authority of Xi Jinping
inside the CCP.
This is to have some positive impact to mitigate the deepening
contradiction between the CCP and the Chinese people.”
Formal Professor of History Liu Yinquan: “Leftists or
Rightists, those who support reform or those who want to
go back to the Mao era, all want to take advantage of this
event to exert pressure on Xi Jinping.”
Xi Zhongxun was one of the few open-minded
Senior CCP leaders.
He was brutally persecuted during
the Cultural Revolution for 16 years.
When he returned he talked boldly about
reform in Guangdong.
In the late 1980s, he was sympathetic
to Tiananmen Students Protest.
he was ignored by Deng Xiaoping for
Defending Hu Yaobang.
HK’s Open magazine editor Jin Zhong: “To praise Xi
Zhongxun at this time is to showcase Xi Jinping’s power
as reasonable and legal.”
Xi Zhongxun’s experiences and Xi Jingping’s experiences
of returning to the countryside in Sha’anxi Province during
the Cultural Revolution added some legendary flavor to Xi
When Xi Jinping came to power, his preaching about
locking power inside the cage and his hatred toward corruption
caused quite a lot of expectations from the outside world.
After the Southern Weekly incident earlier this year,
people began to lose hope.
In May, anti-constitutional propaganda took the stage.
Soon after, civic rights activists including Xu Zhiyong,
Guo Feixiong, Wang Ligong, etc. were arrested one by one.
Then Xi Jinping started the “rectification” movement
copying the Maoist theory and language, even including
“criticism and self-criticism” leading to provincial standing
committee members criticizing each other.
This series of escalating actions in suppression
made many people disappointed.
Liu Yinquan: “Xi Zhongxun was persecuted by
Mao Zedong’s leftist policy. This is a hard fact.
But unfortunately, after Xi Jinping came to power,
he still praises Mao Zedong.”
Feng Chongyi and Yang Hengjun published an article
in Caixin, which read:
“Today we commemorate Xi Zhongxun to remember his
defiance against strong power.
We recall his reflections and awakening in his later days
and speaking up for the suffering Chinese people.
We honor his ‘humanity-oriented’ and ‘people-oriented’ path,
and his serious reflection on the party and the country.
NTD reporter Liu Hui
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本文标签:《开放》, 《开放》杂志, 中共, 中国改革, 习仲勋, 习近平, 习近平父亲, 党, 六四, 冯崇义, 刘因全, 刘少奇, 南周事件, 右派, 太子党, 央视, 宪政, 左派, 改革, 改革开放, 新唐人, 时政评论, 李先念, 杨尚昆, 杨恒均, 毛泽东, 民主, 民主运动, 民运, 温家宝, 胡耀邦, 腐败, 许志永, 财新网, 邓小平, 香港, 高岗
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