
【禁闻】北京现充气蛤蟆 民众热议江泽民


大陆 官媒声称,这是一只〝复兴蟾〞。但是人们看到它不约而同的联想到〝江蛤蟆〞三个字。人们在短信上纷纷议论。



北京商人宋再民:〝最后再表演一下。这么炎热的夏天。眼看着夏天过了。夏天到了,秋天还会远吗?马上他就该入地了。到地里歇着去了,安息了。蛤蟆它是做地遁的,它自个挖下去,造个洞,然后在里面捱过冬天,对于它(江蛤蟆)来说,就没有冬天了,就没有未来 了。它就是入地安息了,走吧,算给他送行。〞


宋再民:〝我觉得那蛤蟆跟玉渊潭,还是在(天安门 )广场上更好,在广场上更有意义。老江如果去跟它合个影,那更有历史 意义了。正好契合了江主席这个形象了。〞

充气蛤蟆的设计师郭永尧声称,〝金蟾〞在中国 古代一直是祥瑞之物的代表。但是宋再民表示,不是所有的蛤蟆都是吉祥物。〝江蛤蟆〞对中国来说就是灾难。







随着江泽民在人间走向颓势,动物界的蛤蟆也开始走向灭绝。据《美联社》2006年2月11号报导,生活在美国国家公园中的蛤蟆正以飞快的速度灭亡,原因是 85%的蛤蟆都被感染了一种致命而神秘的真菌。而同年在德国汉堡,曾发生一件令人惊异的事情:上千只蟾蜍的身体在一瞬间像吹气球一样鼓胀,然后爆裂死亡 。此外,在大陆,近些年,在多地,很多蛤蟆也都奇异的死亡。

总部设在美国的《时报》发表评论文章 说,江被打已是时间问题 。当此之际,北京立起了充气的大蛤蟆,只能说明一个问题:江泽民现在是色厉内荏,貌似巨大,实则里边只是〝虚气〞,只需轻轻一捅或来一阵狂风骤雨,即刻完蛋。

采访编辑/秦雪 后制/李智远

Giant Inflatable Toad In Beijing A Sign Of Jiang Zemin’s End?

A summer festival began in Beijing Yuyuantan Park

on July 19.

During the event, a 22-meter high giant inflatable toad,

the largest in Asia, appeared in a scenic spot of the park.

The toad is made of 550 pieces and its bottom side

is 34-meter long.

At first glance, many tourists immediately recall the name

of former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

Some comment that as autumn is coming,

toads will soon go down into the earth, indicating the end

of Jiang Zemin and his followers.

Mainland Chinese media claimed the giant toad

is a “Renaissance Toad.”

However, what invariably comes to people’s mind

is another term, the “Jiang Toad.”

The news has become a hot topic between people.

Meng Yachun, Beijing soccer club manager: “Chinese always

use the toad as a metaphor for Jiang Zemin.

Some say he was a millennium toad in a previous incarnation,

and that is really something.

On the other hand, the huge toad in Yuyuantan

is a little puzzling.

Is that a sarcastic or flattering move?

It’s really hard to tell.”

In a place close to Zhongnanhai in the capital, a huge toad

that matches Jiang Zemin’s image suddenly showed up,

and it is the largest one in Asia.

Beijing businessman Song Zaimin says this may be indicative

of the collapse of Jiang’s faction, as toads will

go down into the earth when hot summer is over.

Song Zaimin, Beijing businessman: “It is like the final show.

The heat summer is followed by cool autumn.

Then toads will go down into the earth and rest there.

Toads live underground.

They dig underground holes and stay there in winter.

There will be no winter for Jiang.

He has no future and will rest forever.

So it is like a farewell party for him.”

The toad will be even more meaningful

if put in Tiananmen Square.

Song Zaimin: “I think Tiananmen Square is a better place

than Yuyuantan Park to put the giant toad.

The toad is more meaningful there.

If Jiang Zemin can take a photo with it, that will be historical.

The toad really matches Jiang’s image perfectly.”

Guo Yongyao, Designer of the “Renaissance Toad,”

claims that golden toad has represented good fortune

since ancient times in China.

However, Song Zaimin says not all toads bring good fortune,

as the “Jiang Toad” has been a complete disaster for China.

Song Zaimin: “From the June 4 Massacre to the persecution

of Falun Gong…. the latter is especially the worst suppression

by any government against a religious belief the history.

So Jiang has not only committed innumerable crimes,

but those crimes are the most heinous.

Now it is time for Jiang to be done.

I hope that day comes as soon as possible.”

Nobody knows exactly when “Jiang Toads” became

a popular epithet in mainland China.

In the past, there were many mysterious events

indicating Jiang’s connection to the toad.

In early April 2004, Jiang visited Germany when he had been

widely accused of persecuting Falun Gong in the world.

Two days before Jiang arrived, huge ads featuring toads

suddenly appeared in many of Germany’s railway stations.

The ad’s top title was “Look Upward.”

In the ad, two toads stay on both sides looking upward

at a big toad with a crown.

The ad’s bottom title was “The Big One Comes Out.”

Another odd occurrence took place on the Xinhua News

Agency website at that time.

The first thing shown on the screen when the website loaded

was a jumping electric toad.

The strange advertisement remained there for a long time.

On June 13, 2002, Jiang Zemin visited Iceland.

Again two days before he arrived, a photo of a big toad

was published in Iceland’s largest newspaper.

Late October of the same year, Jiang visited the United States.

A restaurant near the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Consulate also chose a toad as its logo.

As Jiang’s power declines, “real toads” have also show

a quick depopulation during the period.

The Associate Press reported on February 11, 2006 that

toads in American national parks were dying out at a fast rate.

85 percent of toads were infected with a mysterious

but critical bacterium.

The same year in Hamburg, Germany, thousands of toads

died instantly when their bodies exploded like a balloon.

Mysterious mass toad deaths have been widely

reported in China.

An article from U.S.-based Epoch Times says the fall

of Jiang Zemin is only a matter of time.

Currently, the giant inflatable toad is being exhibited

in Beijing.

This may indicate that Jiang and his followers appear strong

but are indeed weak with only “air” inside.

Just a light poke or a windstorm could completely

destroy them for good.

Interview & Edit/Qin Xue Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan

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