2013年的倒数第二天,中国 维权 律师李金星在他的微博上发出〝我的绝食声明及公开信 〞。在这封立即被屏蔽的微博中,李律师 讲述了一个现代版的〝杨乃武与小白菜〞的冤案故事,同时,也表达了他作为代理 律师,面对冤判的无助、无奈、愤懑、愤怒直至绝食抗议的心情。业界律师表示,软弱的绝食,传达出的却是反对司法不公的独立意志。
2013年12月30号,中国维权律师 李金星在他的个人微博中发出〝我的绝食声明——兼给广西自治区党委书记彭清华的公开信〞。
信中他写道,在这个时代的杨乃武和小白菜的冤案中,面对一件即将生效的冤案判决书,作为代理此案律师的我异常悲愤,但我无法选择 、无力阻止,也无力洗清当事人身上的清白。
中国维权律师刘卫国:〝因为他们(当局)手里掌握了所有的国家机器,但作为一个律师、一个文人,他实在是没有别的办法,自己的当事人,或被告人现在面临司法的不公正,作为律师拿法律的武器去捍卫他的权力的时候,这个法律 又被公权力所蔑视、践踏。我认为他是一种抗议。〞
据大陆 官媒报导,法院指称,被告人孟荣展利用他担任北海市人民政府副秘书长及北海机场路、迎宾大道道路改造项目负责人之便,与广西建经公司人员相互串通,通过指定部分评标专家,并采取事先打招呼等非法形式,操控评标活动,让指定的单位中标,从中分得好处费30万元。
孟荣展的父亲孟水倪,在一封3年诉求无果的上访 信中披露,2010年10月22号,孟荣展被广西北海市纪委人员秘密带走关押。关押期间,遭到纪委办案人员办案人员违法逼供,当局甚至制造一位〝谢处长〞,以广西区纪委组织的名义对他施压、恐吓、欺骗。
孟水倪说:〝在办案人员几天几夜轮番逼供之下,几乎崩溃的孟荣展,相信了以组织的名义参与 逼供的‘谢处长’的话,并按照‘谢处长’的提示完成了‘受贿’金额的编造,‘受贿’的时间和地点,也在其他几个办案人员的提示下编造完成。〞
刘卫国:〝从根源上说,还是一个体制上的问题 。司法不独立,整个的刑事审判制度都是警察在起主导作用。官员的政绩是由他的领导上司满意就可以,虽然他们违法很严重、做了很多坏事,但是他在做坏事的同时,肯定是捞到很多好处,这个好处又传递给了上面、他的领导,这样一层一层贿赂、贿买,然后他的职位得到升迁。一个好人在中国是很难当官的。〞
采访编辑/易如 后制/孙宁
The strong will of an attorney on a hunger strike
On Dec. 30, human rights lawyer Li Jinxing said in an open
letter on his microblog that he is going on a hunger strike.
His post was immediately blocked.
In his letter he describes the injustice he sees as an attorney
when confessions are extorted via torture, and he expresses
his feelings of helplessness, frustration, resentment,
and anger after seeing so many injustices,
which has led to his hunger strike .
Many lawyers say his seemingly weak gesture
of a hunger strike conveys a strong will against injustice.
Human rights lawyer Li Jinxing wrote an open letter on
Dec. 30 addressed to Guangxi Autonomous Region Party
Secretary Peng Qinghua about his hunger strike declaration.
He says in the open letter that a case he’s working on is about
to be given a unjust verdict, and he feels much grief
as the defendant’s attorney, because he has no power to
stop it from happening, or returning innocence to his client.
Human rights lawyer Liu Weiguo of Shandong says
Li Jinxing’s hunger strike demonstrates his indignation and
protest against the injustice of the authorities.
The case he represents is not an isolate incident, and it
reflects the severity and wide spread of injustice in China today.
Liu Weiguo, human rights lawyer: “The authorities control the
entire state machinery, whereas the lawyer is powerless when
his client is facing such an unjust judicial system.
In this system, when lawyers try to uphold rights via the law,
even their rights are trampled. His hunger strike to protest.”
This unjust case took place in Beihai city of Guangxi province,
and the victim is former municipal Deputy Secretary
Meng Rongzhan.
He has been sentenced to 11 years imprisonment and fined
59,000 yuan ($10,000) on charges of bribery and bid-rigging.
State run media say the court alleged the defendant had
collected commissions of 300,000 yuan ($50,000) abusing
his position of overseeing city road construction to control
the evaluation standard and the bids to collude with
construction companies.
However, a different version of the story emerged.
According to a petition letter by Meng Rongzhan’s father,
Meng was detained by disciplinary officers on Oct. 22, 2010.
In detention, Beihai City Commission for Discipline officers
extorted a confession from Meng Rongzhan.
A man surnamed Xie, the alleged director, then came and
used several tactics to pressure, threaten and deceive Meng.
Meng Shuini, Meng Rongzhan’s father, stated in his petition
letter: “[My son] was on the verge of collapse after days and
nights of interrogations by the investigators.
He trusted ‘director Xie,’ who had participated the interrogation
in the name of the organization.
He followed director Xie’s instruction to fabricate an amount
of the ‘bribe.’
Details of the when and where the bribe took place
were also prompted by several other investigators.”
Attorney Li Jinxing says in his statement that Meng Rongzhan
has had a good reputation and his family is poor.
It was the torture during the interrogation that made him admit
against his conscience to the 1 million yuan worth in bribes.
Because of his na?ve trust in the organization’s promise,
he was pulled into a bottomless abyss.
Liu Weiguo: “The non-independent judicial system is the root
of the problem.
The police lead the entire criminal justice system.
Officials perform just to satisfy the upper ranks of leadership.
As they have committed many serious misdeeds, they’ve also
surely taken many bribes which are passed to their superiors
to win their promotions.
It’s hard for good men to survive in the Communist regime.”
Liu Weiguo says under this circumstance,
Li Jinxing’s hunger strike has greater significance.
Liu Weiguo: “It expresses to the society and to one’s self
one’s opposition to such injustice.”
Liu Weiguo says that though the legal system’s outlook isn’t
optimistic, or even seems to be worsening, when things get to
their worst, they might turn around toward a good direction.
That is the trend of the world and the democracy,
and no force can stop it from happening.
Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人
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